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  • 翻译文:  Yves Saint Laurent也是化妆品设计师,而不仅仅是时装设计师。
    原文:  Yves Saint Laurent is also a makeup designer, not just a fashion designer.
    评论人:GML   评论时间: 2016/10/27
  • 翻译文:  由Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch吉尔伯特·德·莫蒂尔(Gilbert du Motier),更好地被称为侯爵夫人拉法耶特(Marquis de Lafayette),或者“美国最喜欢的战斗法国人”所承担的长名单之一。
    原文:  One of the lengthy list of names borne by one Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, better known as the Marquis de Lafayette, or "America's favorite fighting Frenchman."
    评论人:Atarah Derek   评论时间: 2016/09/18
  • 翻译文:  乍看起来,我以为这是发音的IV-VES('我'听起来像字母'I'在'互联网'和'ves'押韵与'混乱'。我没想到它会被说成“夏娃”,哈哈。这听起来不是一个坏的我猜猜。我喜欢这些字母一起看起来的意思,实际上是相当不错的。 =)
    原文:  At first glance I thought it was pronounced IV-ves ('I' sounding like the letter 'I' in 'internet' and 'ves' rhyming with the word 'mess'.). I did not expect it to be said as "Eve", lol. It doesn't sound that bad for a guy I guess. I love how the letters look together and the meaning is actually quite nice. =)
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2014/07/24
  • 翻译文:  在美国,这很容易被误传。但忽略这个事实,只关注发音,我喜欢这个名字。可能因为它听起来像前夕,我也喜欢。虽然...我知道每个人都说这是一个男孩的名字,但我只是不能想象它在一个男孩。可能因为名字前夕用于女孩。
    原文:  In America, this would easily get mispronounced. But ignoring that fact and just focusing on the pronunciation, I like this name. Probably because it sounds like eve, which I like as well. Although... I know everyone says it's a boy's name, but I just can't imagine it on a boy. Probably because the name eve is used for girls.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2013/02/26
  • 翻译文:  这是一个好的BOY的名字。男孩。
    原文:  This is a good BOY'S name. BOY'S.
    评论人:FlakyMatt   评论时间: 2012/01/04
  • 翻译文:  Yves Klein是法国艺术家,是新艺术运动中的领导人物。他获得了称为国际克莱因蓝色的颜色,这看起来类似于青金石的颜色。他实际上是我最喜欢的艺术家之一,看到他的工作在年轻时显示真的使我走上艺术的世界。他是我的一个巨大的灵感^ _ ^
    原文:  Yves Klein was a French artist, and a leading figure in the Nouveau Réalisme movement. He patented the color known as International Klein Blue, which looks similar to the color of lapis lazuli. He's actually one of my favorite artists, and seeing a display of his work at a young age really turned me on to the world of art. He's a huge inspiration for me ^_^
    评论人:EchoSketcher   评论时间: 2011/06/21
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个事实,它是发音的前夕和一个男孩的名字在同一时间。如果我有一个儿子的名字伊夫,我会有一个愿望昵称他Evie,但我不知道如何拼写它。总的来说,这是一个伟大的名字。非常法国和古典。
    原文:  I like the fact that it is pronounced eve and a boy's name at the same time. If I had a son name Yves, I'd have a desire to nickname him Evie but I wouldn't be sure how to spell it. Overall, it's a great name. Very French and classical.
    评论人:IrishKisses   评论时间: 2010/09/11
  • 翻译文:  Yves Adele Harlow是在X档案的第9季由女主角Zuleikha Robinson扮演的Lois Runce的别名。她的所有别名都是李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德的形象。
    原文:  Yves Adele Harlow is the alias of Lois Runce played by actress Zuleikha Robinson in season 9 of The X-Files. All of her aliases are anagrams of Lee Harvey Oswald.
    评论人:telfalathiel   评论时间: 2010/07/23
  • 翻译文:  这个名字的着名持有者是勇气竞争赛车公司的创始人Yves Courage。
    原文:  A famous bearer of this name is Yves Courage, founder of the Courage Competition sports car racing company.
    评论人:NASCAR MAN 14   评论时间: 2008/11/30
  • 翻译文:  YVES是一家生产素食和肉类替代品的食品公司的名称,包括素食和鸡模拟肉,各种即食面食,辣椒,蔬菜和素食者以及模拟培根。
    原文:  YVES is the name of a food company that produces vegan dishes and meat alternatives, including veggie and chicken simulated ground meat, various ready-cook pastas, chilis, veggie dogs and veggieburgers, as well as simulated bacon.
    评论人:KOT   评论时间: 2007/03/14
  • 翻译文:  这将是很好,如果一个女孩被命名这个,因为它听起来像EVE。 Yves,我喜欢它!
    原文:  It'd be nice if a girl were named this because it sounds like EVE. Yves, I love it!
    评论人:FyreHydenGirth   评论时间: 2006/11/24
  • 翻译文:  法国人Yves Rocher是创造这个品牌的人,他的名字 - “Yves Rocher” - 世界领先的植物化妆品。
    原文:  The Frenchman Yves Rocher is the person who created the brand which bears his name - "Yves Rocher" - the world leader in botanical cosmetics.
    评论人:iva_toneva   评论时间: 2006/05/07
  • 翻译文:  法国时装设计师Yves Saint-Laurent是这个名字的着名持有者。
    原文:  French fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent is a famous bearer of this name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2005/12/19