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  • 翻译文:  我猜这是发音O-lahf。
    原文:  I am guessing it is pronounced O-lahf.
    评论人:lilolaf   评论时间: 2016/03/29
  • 翻译文:  奥拉夫五世(1903-1991),出生的丹麦王子亚历山大,是哈康七世和威尔士的莫德唯一的儿子。他是1957 - 1991年挪威国王。
    原文:  Olav V (1903-1991), born Prince Alexander of Denmark, was the only son of Haakon VII and Maud of Wales. He was King of Norway from 1957-1991.
    评论人:Cynthiana   评论时间: 2014/11/19
  • 翻译文:  成为相当受欢迎的男孩再次在挪威。
    原文:  Becoming quite popular for baby boys again in Norway.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2012/03/05
  • 翻译文:  Olav是C1的名字,在魔鬼岛的国王,一个挪威电影与斯特兰Skasgard在它。奥拉夫是(大多数)遵守规则的男孩。它只是靠近中间,他变得更加挑衅(但只是!)
    原文:  Olav was C1's name in King of Devil's Island, a Norwegian movie with Stellan Skasgard in it. Olav is the (mostly) rule-obeying boy. It is only near the middle-end that he becomes more defiant (yet just!)
    评论人:Meapergirl   评论时间: 2011/12/04
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字。一个可爱的昵称可能是橄榄。它给了我一个强大的,反叛(但正义)性格的印象,因为魔鬼岛的联合王国。
    原文:  I like this name. A cute nickname might be Olive. It gives me the the impression of a strong, rebellious (yet just) character because of the King of Devil's Island assosiation.
    评论人:Meapergirl   评论时间: 2011/12/04