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  • 翻译文:  我的名字是Marlys。它发音为Mar-liss。我从来没有能够找到我的名字的起源,因为它没有列为玛丽的任何地方。我知道我的家人来自挪威血统,但我已经看到它列为犹太,德国等。有没有人真的知道什么起源是偶然的?我被我的祖母命名为玛丽丝,她住在明尼苏达长大。任何信息将是有趣的。
    原文:  My name is Marlys. It is pronounced Mar-liss. I have never been able to find the origin of my name since it is not listed as Marlys anywhere. I know my family come from Norwegian descent, but I have seen it listed as Jewish, German, etc. Does anyone really know what origin it is by chance? I was named Marlys after my grandmother with and she lived in Minnesota growing up. Any info would be interesting.
    评论人:marlys   评论时间: 2011/09/19
  • 翻译文:  这个名字也在荷兰使用 - 事实上,它是我的一个祖母的姐妹的名字。她将她的名字发音为mahr-LIS(-lis的声音类似于名字Liz的发音,除了它以-s而不是-z结尾)。
    原文:  This name is also used in The Netherlands - in fact, it is the name of one of my grandmother's sisters. She pronounces her name as mahr-LIS (the -lis sound is similar to the pronunciation of the name Liz, except it ends on an -s instead of a -z).
    评论人:Lucille   评论时间: 2010/06/08
  • 翻译文:  发音为MAHR-lees。
    原文:  Pronounced MAHR-lees.
    评论人:mafiosa   评论时间: 2009/08/07
  • 翻译文:  我认识的Marlis女士,他们都是Marlys,他们的名字叫MAR-liss。
    原文:  The women named Marlis that I've met, they've all been Marlys and their name pronounced MAR-liss.
    评论人:Jamesina   评论时间: 2007/01/02
  • 翻译文:  我知道的一个着名的“Marlis”是马克·米扎克(Mark Mizzark),他以假名Marlis Pugh(他是另一个坏创作的说唱歌手,为那些不认识他的人)。至于发音,它是“马赫租约” - 或至少,这是我的名字是如何发音。
    原文:  One famous "Marlis" I know of is Mark Mizzark, who went by the pseudonym Marlis Pugh (he was a rapper with Another Bad Creation, for those of you who don't know of him). And as far as pronunciation goes, it's "Mahr-lease" - or at least, that's how my name is pronounced.
    评论人:Syntax_Minx   评论时间: 2006/03/30