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  • 翻译文:  梅林达是漂亮的,并在其第一个音节有明显的“蜂蜜”元素,但马林达有一种触摸的病态和恶意。
    原文:  Melinda is pretty and has the obvious "honey" element in its first syllable, but Malinda has a touch of malady and malice about it.
    评论人:Just Jonquil   评论时间: 2014/11/05
  • 翻译文:  在19世纪,马林达实际上比梅林达更常见的拼写。例如,1850年美国人口普查的指数包括马林达的21,798个例子,以及梅林达的8,690个例子。
    原文:  In the 19th century Malinda was actually much more common as a spelling than Melinda. The indexes to the 1850 United States census, for example, include 21, 798 examples of Malinda and only 8, 690 of Melinda.
    评论人:clevelandkentevans   评论时间: 2013/03/29
  • 翻译文:  马林达是亚美尼亚的“无价钻石”。或者“无价钻石”可能听起来更好。 =)
    原文:  Malinda means "priceless diamond" in Armenia. Or "invaluable diamond" maybe sounds better. =)
    评论人:honungspinglan   评论时间: 2008/05/20
  • 翻译文:  我更喜欢梅林达。
    原文:  I much prefer Melinda.
    评论人:spaz123   评论时间: 2007/08/16
  • 翻译文:  马林达及其变种梅林达源于希腊语。这个名字的意思是“蜂蜜”基于希腊语“meil”。同样,梅利莎的意思是“蜜蜂”。
    原文:  Malinda and its variant Melinda are Greek in origin. The name means "honey" based on the Greek "meil." Similarly, Melissa means "honey-bee."
    评论人:mizberry   评论时间: 2006/10/12