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  • 翻译文:  Mable是蓝色头发的团队Flare科学家在宠物小精灵X和Y的名字。
    原文:  Mable is the name of the blue-haired Team Flare scientist in Pokemon X and Y.
    评论人:Buneary   评论时间: 2013/10/19
  • 翻译文:  我认为Mable是一个非常好的名字。我喜欢它。这个真的很酷。它有点像民间故事或动画。这真的很棒。
    原文:  I think that Mable is a very nice name. I kinda like it. It's really cool. It's kinda like folktale or animated. It's really awesome.
    评论人:lookieitsacookie   评论时间: 2008/11/11
  • 翻译文:  Mable John,在Stax和Motown上录制的梦幻般的灵魂歌手。
    原文:  Mable John, fantastic soul singer who recorded on Stax and Motown.
    评论人:Pie   评论时间: 2008/11/02
  • 翻译文:  一个朋克/摇滚乐队叫Goldfinger在1996年写了一首名为“Mable”的歌曲他们的自己的专辑。这是一首非常有趣的歌曲。
    原文:  A punk/rock band called Goldfinger wrote a song named "Mable" in 1996 on their self titled album. It's a pretty funny song actually.
    评论人:Cyneburga   评论时间: 2008/02/26