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  • 翻译文:  Leonidas,那个领导300 Spartans在Thermopylae的战斗的家伙,有点是我和我的朋友之间的一个笑话。这是由于错误的发音:“Leonardis”。\u003cbr\u003e很可能,Leonidas作为一个孩子将被戏弄,在古希腊课程在社会研究中尴尬,并且他们的名字被错误地。 “Leonard?Leo?哦,Leonidas?”\u003cbr\u003e Leonidas会早点学习,只是告诉人他的名字是Leo。
    原文:  Leonidas, the guy who led the 300 Spartans in the battle of Thermopylae, is somewhat of a joke between me and my friends. This is thanks to a mispronunciation: "Leonardis".Most likely, Leonidas as a kid will be teased, embarrassed during the ancient Greece lesson in social studies, and have their name mispronounced. "Leonard? Leo? Oh, Leonidas?"Leonidas will learn early on to just tell people his name is Leo.
    评论人:epicanna27   评论时间: 2016/04/14
  • 翻译文:  当天名称:2016年3月18日。
    原文:  Name of the Day: March 18, 2016.
    评论人:Rosamind   评论时间: 2016/03/18
  • 翻译文:  实际上,古希腊语中的后缀-iδας具有“儿子或儿童的...”的含义。 [指出] \u003cbr\u003e在这种情况下是指“利昂的儿子”(希腊语为狮子)。如果Leonidas是一个雅典人,他应该叫Leonidis(-i-而不是多利安人)。 \u003cbr\u003e斯巴达人是多利亚希腊人,雅典人是离子,两个(希腊)部落都在使用自己的希腊语方言。
    原文:  Actually, the suffix -ιδας in ancient Greek has the meaning of "the son, or the child, of...". [noted -ed]In this case means "the son of Leon" (Greek word for lion). If Leonidas was an Athenian, he should be called Leonidis (-i- instead of the Dorian -a-). Spartans were Dorian Greeks, Athenians were Ions, and both (Greek) tribes were using their own dialects of the Greek language.
    评论人:gp9665   评论时间: 2016/03/16
  • 翻译文:  Leonidas是比利时的巧克力品牌,以其创始人Leonidas Kestekides命名。
    原文:  Leonidas is a brand of chocolate in Belgium, named after its founder Leonidas Kestekides.
    评论人:zwartadder   评论时间: 2015/08/09
  • 翻译文:  Leonidas Kavakos是希腊小提琴家和指挥家。
    原文:  Leonidas Kavakos is a Greek violinist and conductor.
    评论人:Kosta   评论时间: 2015/03/18
  • 翻译文:  在现代希腊语中,名称发音为“lay-oh-NEE-dhahs”或“lay-oh-NYEE-dhahs”。
    原文:  In modern Greek, the name is pronounced "lay-oh-NEE-dhahs" or "lay-oh-NYEE-dhahs."
    评论人:Kosta   评论时间: 2015/03/18
  • 翻译文:  爱这个名字 - 我可能大部分使用昵称Leo,但由于我认为Leo自己的名字太短,Leonidas将是我最喜欢的长Leo名称到达昵称。它有很大的意义,深深植根于历史。至于以前的评论,我从来没有看过300,所以我不知道这个名字会有多少关联到电影,但我个人不认为这个名字被毁了,因为该协会!
    原文:  Love this name- I'd probably use the nickname Leo for the most part, but since I think Leo is too short of a name on its own, Leonidas would be my favorite long Leo- name to get to the nickname. It has great meaning and is deep-rooted in history. As to previous comments, I've never watched 300 so I don't know how much association this name would have to the movie, but I personally don't think the name is ruined because of that association!
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2014/05/04
  • 翻译文:  这个名字是如此繁ous和精心,这是可笑的。我不能想象给某人Leonidas(lee-oh-NIE-das)。他们很可能会被称为Leo,所以为什么不去和Leonard,Leonardo,Leon,还是只是老的Leo?
    原文:  This name is so pompous and elaborate, it's ridiculous. I can't imagine calling someone Leonidas (lee-oh-NIE-das). They'll most likely get called Leo anyway, so why not go with Leonard, Leonardo, Leon, or just plain old Leo?
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2013/03/25
  • 翻译文:  当天名称:2013年3月18日。
    原文:  Name of the Day: March 18, 2013.
    评论人:dwayne1996   评论时间: 2013/03/18
  • 翻译文:  当天名称:2011年3月18日。
    原文:  Name of the Day: March 18, 2011.
    评论人:AndrewJKD   评论时间: 2011/03/19
  • 翻译文:  我还没有看到电影“300”,但我已经阅读了利奥尼达斯的故事,不能帮助自己思考一个悲伤,英勇和不朽的故事是什么。我喜欢这个名字,因为有关利奥尼达斯国王的历史。
    原文:  I have yet to see the movie "300", but I have read the story of Leonidas and can't help myself from thinking what a sad, heroic and immortal story it is. I love the name because of the history about king Leonidas.
    评论人:Dahlis   评论时间: 2010/10/04
  • 翻译文:  如何人谁忘记国王利奥尼达斯斯巴达!将在历史上生活的名称。 LEONIDAS = IMMORTALITY!
    原文:  How can anyone forget King Leonidas of Sparta! A name that will live in history. LEONIDAS=IMMORTALITY!
    评论人:constantine1   评论时间: 2009/07/05
  • 翻译文:  “这是斯巴达!”有人用这个名字可能会得到所有的时间。这是一个不错的名字,但它已被电影300暂时毁了。
    原文:  "THIS IS SPARTA!" Someone with this name will probably get that all the time. It's a nice name, but it's been temporarily ruined by the movie 300.
    评论人:bananarama   评论时间: 2009/03/22
  • 翻译文:  Leonidas Frank Chaney是Lon Chaney的真名。
    原文:  Leonidas Frank Chaney was the real name of Lon Chaney.
    评论人:moonbaby9307   评论时间: 2008/11/04
  • 翻译文:  Leonatus(probobly这个名字的变种)是公主Imogen的情人在莎士比亚的戏剧Cymbeline。
    原文:  Leonatus (probobly a variant of this name) is the lover of Princess Imogen in the play Cymbeline by Shakespeare.
    评论人:nomenphile   评论时间: 2006/07/25