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  • 翻译文:  Leilani Dowding是一位英语前的女孩,魅力模特,电视名人,以及1998年环球小姐的英国代表。她在美容专业成功后,辍学大学毕业,从事全职模特生涯。虽然她最初没有考虑裸照建模,但她在1999年开始出现在太阳的女孩。她的妹妹Melanie(“Mel”)Dowding也有一个简单的职业生涯作为模型。道丁出现在慈善机构的The Weakest Link的一集,在最后一轮他失去了Jakki Degg。 Dowding代表RSPCA和乳腺癌慈善机构进行竞争。她在演出前开玩笑:“我期待三年来第一次使用我的大脑。
    原文:  Leilani Dowding is an English former Page 3 girl, glamour model, television celebrity, and the UK representative at Miss Universe 1998. After her success in beauty pageants, Dowding dropped out of university to pursue a full-time modelling career. Although she had not originally considered topless modelling, she started appearing as a Page 3 girl in The Sun in 1999. Her younger sister Melanie ("Mel") Dowding also had a brief career as a model. Dowding appeared on a charity Page 3 episode of The Weakest Link where she lost out in the final round to Jakki Degg. Dowding was competing on behalf of the RSPCA and breast cancer charities. She joked before the show: "I look forward to using my brain for the first time in three years."
    评论人:cutenose   评论时间: 2017/02/16
  • 翻译文:  Leilani Leeane是美国模特和前色情演员的舞台名字。她出生在加利福尼亚州兰开斯特,一半的菲律宾和非裔美国母亲和波多黎各的父亲。
    原文:  Leilani Leeane is the stage name of an American model and former pornographic actress. She was born in Lancaster, California to a half Filipino and African American mother and a Puerto Rican father.
    评论人:cutenose   评论时间: 2017/01/12
  • 翻译文:  我的女儿叫莱拉尼。我爱上了这个名字,因为它的意思。莱拉尼出生在她姐姐的生日6年后。她妹妹的名字是埃米尔玫瑰,她在天堂。所以,当我看到它的意思是天上的花,这是一种方式来纪念她从来没有见过的妹妹。这是完美的名字。一个美丽的女孩的美丽的名字。
    原文:  My daughter is named Leilani. I fell in love with this name because of its meaning. Leilani was born on her late sister's birthday 6 years later. Her sister's name was Emmilee rose, she is in heaven. So when I saw it meant heavenly flower it was a way to honor the sister she never met. It's the perfect name. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
    评论人:taraGood30   评论时间: 2016/11/11
  • 翻译文:  我认为一个可能的昵称将是莱拉,我喜欢的名字不是因为它是我的名字,但因为我喜欢它的意思。
    原文:  I think a possible nickname would be Leila and I like the name not because it's my name but because I love the meaning of it.
    评论人:leilaninunes13   评论时间: 2016/06/20
  • 翻译文:  拼写这个名字的另一种方式是Laylonnie。
    原文:  Another way of spelling this name is Laylonnie.
    评论人:Aloma laylonnie   评论时间: 2015/12/17
  • 翻译文:  为什么网站说这个名字是发音LAY-lah-nee?我很确定它是躺在LAH-nee。 [指出]
    原文:  Why does the website say that this name is pronounced LAY-lah-nee? I'm pretty sure it's lay-LAH-nee. [noted -ed]
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/07/27
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字,以及Nalani。我想我喜欢Nalani有点好一点,但这个名字还是很漂亮。
    原文:  I love this name, along with Nalani. I think I like Nalani a little bit better, but this name is still very beautiful.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/06/18
  • 翻译文:  澳大利亚乐队Hoodoo Gurus有一首歌叫Leilani。
    原文:  The Australian band Hoodoo Gurus have a song called Leilani.
    评论人:shadow1999   评论时间: 2013/11/12
  • 翻译文:  从夏威夷语词语lei(花环)和lani(天堂)。
    原文:  From the Hawaiian words lei (garland) and lani (heaven).
    评论人:GoodNightingale   评论时间: 2013/09/20
  • 翻译文:  我认为这是一个经典的夏威夷名字,以及Noelani。它非常适合非夏威夷的名字。
    原文:  I think of this as a classic Hawaiian name, along with Noelani. It fits well with non-Hawaiian names.
    评论人:GoodNightingale   评论时间: 2013/09/16
  • 翻译文:  我知道一个在小学里有同名的女孩。从来没有遇到过另一个有这样的名字的女孩。这是一个非常漂亮的名字,它也是独一无二的。
    原文:  I knew a girl in elementary school that had the same name. Never came across another girl with a name like that again. It's a very beautiful name and it's unique too.
    评论人:Karina   评论时间: 2012/07/04
  • 翻译文:  这个名字在声音和意义上非常美丽 - 它让我想起一个奶油色的素馨花盛开的大树枝。
    原文:  This name is exceedingly beautiful in sound and meaning - it makes me think of a bough of creamy frangipani blossoms.
    评论人:Just Jonquil   评论时间: 2011/10/24
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字。我也喜欢其他变化,如Leliana和Leliana。
    原文:  I love this name. I also like other variations like Leilana and Leiliana.
    评论人:EgYpTiAn PrInCeSs   评论时间: 2011/06/14
  • 翻译文:  可能最好从歌曲“甜莱拉尼”。
    原文:  Probably best known from the song "Sweet Leilani."
    评论人:Kosta   评论时间: 2009/08/11
  • 翻译文:  有点着名的持有者是年轻的Leilani Guiterrez。当一个联邦雇员在母亲节那天受到严重伤害时,即使在困难的时候,她仍然保持快乐。她和她的母亲出现在支持干细胞研究的商业广告中。
    原文:  A somewhat famous bearer is the young Leilani Guiterrez. After being severely injured when a federal employee ran a red light on Mother's Day, she managed to stay cheerful even in times of hardship. She and her mother have appeared in commercials supporting stem cell research.
    评论人:Wilted   评论时间: 2009/06/10
  • 翻译文:  如果我有双胞胎女孩,我可以命名他们Laelia和Leilani。这是多么可爱! (发音lay-LEE-ah和lay-LAH-nee)。
    原文:  If I have twin girls I might name them Laelia and Leilani. How cute is that! (Pronounced lay-LEE-ah and lay-LAH-nee).
    评论人:kool_babe14   评论时间: 2009/05/15
  • 翻译文:  我第一次发现这个名字,因为我把它看成是一个街道上的一个街道的名字。我认为这是一个美丽的名字,但我不认为这是真的。但现在我知道是。好漂亮啊。
    原文:  I first discovered this name because I saw it as the name of a street on a street-sign. I thought it was a beautiful name, but I didn't think it was real. But now I know it is. It's pretty.
    评论人:Pippin   评论时间: 2008/04/09
  • 翻译文:  我认为Leilani是一个非常漂亮的名字。只是“天上的花”的想法让你认为这个名字是美丽的。我认为一个好的昵称将是雷或拉尼。
    原文:  I think Leilani is a very pretty name. Just the thought of "heavenly flowers" makes you think this name is beautiful. I think a good nickname would be Lei or Lani.
    评论人:bunnygirl   评论时间: 2007/07/19
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字!一个可能的昵称可能是拉尼。 Leilani听起来很夏威夷。
    原文:  I love this name! A possible nickname could be Lani. Leilani sounds very Hawiian.
    评论人:bobcat_explorer   评论时间: 2007/06/15
  • 翻译文:  发音lay-LAH-nee。
    原文:  Pronounced lay-LAH-nee.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/07/11
  • 翻译文:  Leilani的变种是Leliana。我在Lynn&Gilbert Morris的一本名为“无辜之岛”的书中看到了这种情况。
    原文:  A variant of Leilani is Leilana. I saw it spelled that way in a book called Island of the Innocent by Lynn & Gilbert Morris.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/02/06
  • 翻译文:  我个人很喜欢这个名字。我已经使用它的几个我的字符。
    原文:  I personally love this name. I've used it for several of my characters.
    评论人:patchworkgirl   评论时间: 2006/02/05
  • 翻译文:  这可能是最流行和知名的夏威夷名字。
    原文:  This is probably the most popular and well known Hawaiian name.
    评论人:Lakota_so_italian   评论时间: 2006/01/24
  • 翻译文:  另一个夏威夷语翻译是“天上的孩子”。
    原文:  Another Hawaiian translation is 'Heavenly Child'.
    评论人:triphazard99   评论时间: 2005/04/10