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  • 翻译文:  我的名字是克里希纳,我是女性。克里希纳意味着所有有吸引力或有吸引力的。主奎师那真的很美丽 - 不像宝莱坞或好莱坞演员,但是比我们美丽的万倍。克里希纳是所有原因的原因。他有64个品质。克里希纳既是男性也是女性的名字。
    原文:  My name is Krishna and I'm a female. Krishna means all attractive or attractive one. Lord Krishna is really beautiful- not like the Bollywood or Hollywood actors, but 10,000 times more beautiful than us. Krishna is the cause of all causes. He has 64 qualities in him. Krishna is both a male and a female name.
    评论人:KrishnaP   评论时间: 2016/05/26
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是克里希纳,我是一个女性,没有与印度教信仰的关系。当我的母亲命名我克里希纳她不知道这个名字是印度教神的名字。她改变了我父亲想给我的名字,让它听起来更英语。后来发现这个名字有很大的意义。 \u003cbr\u003e我是一个年轻的女士,遇见了许多印度人,他们似乎都很满意我的名字是克里希纳。一个老太太甚至告诉我的母亲,这听起来像一个女孩的名字是美丽的,她相信我会在我的生活中祝福。
    原文:  My name is Krishna and I am a female with no ties to the Hindu Faith. When my mother named me Krishna she had no idea that the name was a Hindu Gods name. She altered the name my father wanted to give me to make it sound more English. Found out later that the name has significant meaning. I am a young lady and have met many Indian people who all seem to be okay with the fact that my name is Krishna. One elderly lady even told my mother that it sounds beautiful as a girls name and that she believes I will be very blessed in my life.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2016/03/24
  • 翻译文:  在智利,它在1999年首次进入前50名(作为女孩的名字)。也就是说,根据babynames.ch的RenéBrunner,可能是由于智利记者,电视节目主持人和作家克里希纳·德·卡萨罗·纳瓦斯(1978-)。它最受欢迎的一年是2002年,当它排名在第12位,0.61%的女孩命名为克里希纳。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e链接:\u003ca href =“ /NombresComunes/1999.html“target =”blank“\u003e \u003c/a\u003e(1999 - 前50名可追溯到1990年,而top 100回到2003年)[指出]
    原文:  In Chile, it first entered the top 50 (as a girl's name) in 1999. That is, according to René Brunner of, probably due to the fame of Chilean journalist, television presenter, radio host and writer Krishna de Caso Navas (1978-). Its most popular year was 2002, when it was ranked in 12th place with 0.61% of girls named Krishna.Link: (1999 - top 50 goes back to 1990, while top 100 goes back to 2003) [noted -ed]
    评论人:   评论时间: 2015/11/29
  • 翻译文:  克里希纳意味着根据吠陀经文的全有吸引力的个性。
    原文:  Krishna means the all-attractive personality according to Vedic scriptures.
    评论人:swaroopkishan87   评论时间: 2011/01/26
  • 翻译文:  我不能相信人们使用这个作为一个女孩的名字。大多数人可能对来源知之甚少,他们只是认为它听起来很漂亮或异国情调。在我看来,它听起来很金属,有点不愉快。我可能会在这里乘坐飞行常客里程到结论,但我希望人们真正了解名字。
    原文:  I can't believe people use this as a girl's name. The majority of the ones who do probably know very little about the source, they just think it sounds pretty or exotic. In my opinion, it sounds metallic and a bit unpleasant. I may be racking up frequent flyer miles to Conclusions here, but I wish people would actually learn about the name.
    评论人:Wilted   评论时间: 2009/09/10
  • 翻译文:  克里希纳也可以是女孩的名字。我听说它是​​一个最近逝世的印度歌手的女儿的名字。
    原文:  Krishna can also be a girls' name. I heard it as the name of the daughter of a recently deceased Indian singer.
    评论人:bananarama   评论时间: 2009/09/05
  • 翻译文:  野兔,野兔,野兔!我喜欢这种从印度教万神殿的女神的原型。但是说,我会命名一个美国人,非印度教这个?不,在美国的野兔克里希纳运动,像我们的会员一样热情和甜蜜,在我们国家得到了很多坏的压力,我想一个孩子可以得到一些艰难的偏见挑逗关于剃他的头,“你的橙色长袍?”如果给定这个名字的话。
    原文:  Hare, hare, hare! I love this archetype of godhood from the Hindu pantheon. But that said, would I name an American, non-Hindu this? No. The Hare Krishna movement in the US, as loving and sweet as the members tend to be, gets a lot of bad press in our country and I think a kid could get some tough biased teasing about shaving his head and "where's your orange toga?" sort of thing if given this name.
    评论人:leananshae   评论时间: 2007/12/24
  • 翻译文:  我的男朋友的名字是Krishan,这似乎与Krishna非常相似。他的母亲是印度人的后裔,所以这两个名字是相关的。
    原文:  My boyfriend's name is Krishan, which seems fairly similar to Krishna. His mother is of Indian descent, so it would make sense that the two names are related.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/08/09
  • 翻译文:  他是主毗湿奴的化身,他是管理这个宇宙的人。这是一个艰难的工作!相信我!
    原文:  He is an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is the one who manages this universe. It's a tough job! Trust me!
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2005/06/25
  • 翻译文:  克里希纳也是印度教女神拉达的伙伴,和兄弟对印度教神巴拉拉马,主的力量和智慧。他的其他名字包括Govinda(奶牛的看守者),Syamasundara(黑色的)和Madhava。
    原文:  Krishna was also the consort of the Hindu goddess Radha, and brother to the Hindu God Balarama, lord of the strength and wisdom. Other names of his include Govinda (caretaker of the cows), Syamasundara (blackish one), and Madhava.
    评论人:Morrigu   评论时间: 2004/12/16