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  • 翻译文:  我的妹妹叫Kiley。她的名字应该是Katelyn,但我的表弟过早地出生,并取名。我的父母正在看红袜,一个球员的女儿后来在电视上。她的名字是Kiley,我的父母喜欢这个名字。
    原文:  My younger sister is named Kiley. Her name was supposed to be Katelyn, but my cousin was born prematurely and took the name. My parents were watching the Red Sox and one of the player's daughters came on TV afterwards. Her name was Kiley, and my parents liked the name.
    评论人:taylormarie   评论时间: 2016/11/11
  • 翻译文:  演员Richard Kiley(1922年3月31日 - 1999年3月5日)。在五十和六十年代受欢迎。他的演艺生涯年份是1950年至1999年。
    原文:  Actor Richard Kiley (March 31, 1922 - March 5, 1999). Popular in the fifties and sixties. His acting career years were 1950 - 1999.
    评论人:Kiley Morgan   评论时间: 2015/12/10
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是Kiley。已经三十二年了。我住在加拿大艾伯塔省的埃德蒙顿。成长我有很多人错误地宣传它。我有人说它是凯尔。我的名字被误认为我是男性。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我一直喜欢我的名字。现在我注意到它已经变得更受欢迎。我使用的拼写实际上是爱尔兰拼写,我知道它是爱尔兰人。我只是不记得我在二十多年前所了解的意义。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我的妈妈实际上是从五十年代和六十年代的演员理查德·凯利命名我。我总是觉得整洁。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e就我个人而言,我从来没有见过另一个名为Kiley的女人。我要么遇到写下来的名字,要么被另一个人偷听。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e真的,我不知道为什么人们认为这个名字是幼稚的或现代的。它已经在相当一段时间。它从来没有真正受欢迎(感谢上帝)。即使它变得更加普遍,它仍然是不寻常的。我喜欢它。
    原文:  My name is Kiley. Has been for thirty-two years. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Growing up I had a lot of people mispronounce it. I had someone say it as Kyle. I had my name be mistaken for me being a male.I have always loved my name. Now I have noticed that it has become more popular. The spelling I use is in fact the Irish spelling and I do know that it is Irish. I just can't remember what I had learned about the meaning over twenty years ago.My Mum had actually named me after an actor from the fifties and sixties, Richard Kiley. I always find that neat.Personally, I have never met another woman named Kiley. I have either come across the name written down or overheard it said by another person.Really, I don't know why people think that this name is childish or modern. It has been around for quite awhile. It had just never been really popular (thank god). Even if it is becoming a bit more common, it is still unusual. I love it.
    评论人:Kiley Morgan   评论时间: 2015/12/10
  • 翻译文:  我知道一个叫Kiley的家伙。这是很糟糕...在我看来,他的父母应该刚刚跟凯尔。至少这个名字有一定的尊严。
    原文:  I know a guy named Kiley. It's pretty bad... In my opinion, his parents should've just gone with Kyle. At least that name has some dignity to it.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2013/06/14
  • 翻译文:  这个名字非常现代,诡异,幼稚,但Kiley是目前最尊贵和可承受的版本的名称。
    原文:  This name is extremely modern, cutesy, and childish, but Kiley is the most dignified and bearable version of the name by far.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2013/02/22
  • 翻译文:  爱尔兰姓氏(来自Kiely)意思是“好看”。
    原文:  An Irish surname (derived from Kiely) meaning "good looking".
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2011/01/05
  • 翻译文:  这也可以是Keely的变体。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我认为Kylie是最好的拼写。如果我听到这个名字,这就是我将它写在纸上。但也许这只是我。
    原文:  This can also be a variant of Keely.I think Kylie is the best spelling. If I heard this name, that's how I'd write it on paper. But maybe that's just me.
    评论人:ListenToAsuka   评论时间: 2010/05/14
  • 翻译文:  我的小女孩的名字是Kiley Brooke。在开始我想命名我的女儿莱利。我的父亲当时正在死于癌症喜欢Kylie的名字。我决定在Riley放“R”,并添加一个“K”给我我喜欢的拼写和他喜欢的名字,最后给他机会命名他永远不会看到的孙女。我认为Kiley是一个非常可爱和女性的名字。
    原文:  My little girl's name is Kiley Brooke. In the beginning I wanted to name my daughter Riley. My father who was then dying of cancer liked the name Kylie. I decided that I would drop the "R" in Riley and add a "K" giving me the spelling I liked and name he liked, in the end giving him the opportunity to name the granddaughter he would never see. I think that Kiley is a very cute and feminine name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/11/13
  • 翻译文:  没有进攻,但Kiley对我的声音更像是KEE-LEY,我犯了一个错误,叫一个名为Keely的女孩。我绝对不会使用Kiley。
    原文:  No offense but Kiley to me sounds more like KEE-ley and I've made the mistake of calling a girl with this name Keely. I would most definitely not use Kiley.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/04/08
  • 翻译文:  这个名字来自两个爱尔兰姓氏:“áCadhla”(“KAH-la”)(“优雅一个的后裔”)和“ÓChaolaidhe”(“KAYL / KEEL-ee-ya”一”)。有趣的是,后者来自阳刚的个人名字“Caolach”(KAYL / KEEL-akh)(“Thin one”),听起来不像“Kayla”。坦率地说,我认为“Kiley”是一个累了,时尚的名字,原来的名字的改造。
    原文:  This name comes from two Irish surnames: "Ó Cadhla" ("KAH-la") ("Descendant of the Graceful one") and "Ó Chaollaidhe" ("KAYL/KEEL-ee-ya") ("Descendant of the Thin one"). Interestingly, the latter comes from the masculine personal name "Caolach" (KAYL/KEEL-akh) ("Thin one"), sounding not unlike "Kayla". Frankly, I think that "Kiley" is a tired, trendy name, a mangling of the original names.
    评论人:gaelruadh19   评论时间: 2007/01/14
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是Kiley。我已经有50年了。它是我城里最流行的名字。我相信我上学的人开始了这个名字的流行。如果你看看图表,它开始变得流行在80年代,当我的同学成为父母。我不是在开玩笑,当我说有数百Kiley在这个城镇,所有拼写不同。有一段时间,它让我感到赞美,其他时候被抢走了我的名字。只是想把我的胸部。
    原文:  My name is Kiley. I've had it for 50 years. It is the most popular name in my town. I believe the people I went to school with started the popularity of this name. If you look at the chart, it started to become popular in the 80's just when my classmates were becoming parents. I am not kidding you when I say there are hundreds of Kiley's in this town, all spelled different. Some time it makes me feel complimented and other times robbed of my name. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
    评论人:kiley50   评论时间: 2005/05/19