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  • 翻译文:  我实际上喜欢Joselyn到Jocelyn,因为我认为发音为'z'比'c'发音更容易。然而,我只会命名一个男孩约瑟琳/ Joss,主要是因为当我想到的名字,Joss Whedon早在Joss Stone前来。
    原文:  I actually prefer Joselyn to Jocelyn, since I think it's easier to pronounce an 's' as a 'z', than a 'c' as a 'z'. However, I would only name a boy Joselyn/Joss, mainly because when I think of the name, Joss Whedon comes to mind long before Joss Stone.
    评论人:erb816   评论时间: 2010/03/04
  • 翻译文:  如果我要昵称我的女儿Joss,这是我会使用的拼写。看起来似乎会减少混乱学习拼写乔斯和约瑟琳。
    原文:  If I was going to nickname my daughter Joss this is the spelling I'd use. It seems like there'd be less confusion learning to spell Joss and Joselyn.
    评论人:SophieLucilleWinter   评论时间: 2009/12/23
  • 翻译文:  这是我真的很喜欢的几个名字之一,它不可爱或ditzy,它的酷。 :)
    原文:  This is one of the few names that I really like, it's not cute or ditzy, it's cool. :)
    评论人:camilana646   评论时间: 2009/04/01
  • 翻译文:  我不知道为什么,它只是提醒我一个真正的超级,短的女孩。但是很酷,因为我哥哥的名字是约瑟夫·林恩!
    原文:  I don't know why, it just reminds me of a really hyper, short girl. But it's cool because my brother's name is Joseph Lynn!
    评论人:gym4god   评论时间: 2007/02/04
  • 翻译文:  这意味着“快乐”。
    原文:  It means "happy".
    评论人:mcforeign   评论时间: 2005/03/02