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  • 翻译文:  绝对可怕的名字:通过声音和通过与荷兰bigot Geert威尔德斯协会。
    原文:  Absolutely hideous name: both by sound and by association with Dutch bigot Geert Wilders.
    评论人:S-Genesis   评论时间: 2016/12/23
  • 翻译文:  Bananarama - 如果你认为他是一个种族主义者,当你看到一个时,你不知道一个。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e为了保持主题,我认为这个名字在荷兰可能是好的,但它有一个奇怪的拼写和发音(非荷兰世界几乎从来不会正确),可能不适合别的地方。
    原文:  Bananarama - If you think he's a racist, you don't know one when you see one.To stay on topic, I think this name might be okay in the Netherlands, but it has a strange spelling and pronunciation (that the non-dutch world almost never gets right) that probably doesn't fit anywhere else.
    评论人:Zanizaila   评论时间: 2014/06/29
  • 翻译文:  我不喜欢这个名字。这听起来很丑陋,它真的被种族主义政治家吉尔特·威尔德斯毁了。
    原文:  I don't like this name. It sounds ugly, and it's really been ruined by racist politician Geert Wilders.
    评论人:bananarama   评论时间: 2010/05/11
  • 翻译文:  在德语中发音为GERT。 [指出]
    原文:  Pronounced GERT in German. [noted -ed]
    评论人:mafiosa   评论时间: 2009/08/06