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  • 翻译文:  太南了。
    原文:  Too southern.
    评论人:Paris44   评论时间: 2008/07/01
  • 翻译文:  拼写看起来是伪复古和“国家女孩美国化”,这相当废除了我这个名字的冷静印象适合聪明,幽默的女孩和妇女与苍白的皮肤,黑发和一个咬人的讽刺。
    原文:  The spelling looks both pseudo-retro and ''country-girl-Americanized'', which rather ruins my cool impression of this name suiting intelligent, humorous girls and women with pale skin, dark hair, and a biting sarcasm.
    评论人:slight night shiver   评论时间: 2008/05/24
  • 翻译文:  实际上Fearne Cotton用一个'a'来表示她的名字,所以它是Fearne而不是Ferne。我很惊讶地发现Fearne不在BtN。
    原文:  Actually Fearne Cotton spells her name with an 'a' so it's Fearne rather than Ferne. I was surprised to see that Fearne wasn't on BtN.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2008/10/30
  • 翻译文:  Ferne Cotton在DIYSOS上发表了一个特别的邀请函,当他们解开通常的主持人(尼克·诺尔斯),因为他们认为老的“我的背伤”的借口与他变老,他只是在工作。尼克在球队的最后回到了球队,Ferne被解雇了。
    原文:  Ferne Cotton made a special guest appearence on DIYSOS when they sacked the usual presenter (Nick Knowles) because they thought the old 'my back hurts' excuse was getting old with him and he was just skivving the work. Nick was back on the team at the end of the program and Ferne got sacked.
    评论人:Luangi   评论时间: 2007/04/08
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字!如果我有任何的话,我会给女儿命名。也许这是因为从成长与相当普通的名字劳拉,我喜欢不常见的名字。当她长大后,它可以发音“furn”,但是当年轻时,它可以是切割器“furneee”。
    原文:  I love this name! I would name a daughter this if I ever had any. Maybe this is because from growing up with the rather common name Laura, I like less common names. When she is grown up, it can be pronounced 'furn' but when younger it can be the cuter 'furn-ee'.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/09/03