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  • 翻译文:  芬顿是我父亲的名字。他出生在1920年左右。当他在WW2后进入无线电广播,他的电台名称变成了“Gregg”。它成了我的中间名在1946年。我没有给我的任何一个男孩,所以我不知道它是否会再次出现在家庭。
    原文:  Fenton was my father's first name. He was born around 1920. When he went into radio broadcasting after WW2 his radio name became "Gregg." It became my middle name in 1946. I didn't give it to either of my boys, so I don't know if it will show up in the family again.
    评论人:SoonerGary   评论时间: 2016/09/06
  • 翻译文:  Fenton的名字是给予2015年在美国出生的38个男孩。
    原文:  The name Fenton was given to 38 boys born in the US in 2015.
    评论人:HerculePoirot   评论时间: 2016/07/05
  • 翻译文:  Fenton Hardy,着名侦探和父亲Frank和Joe Hardy在哈迪的男孩。
    原文:  Fenton Hardy, famous detective and father of Frank and Joe Hardy in the Hardy boys.
    评论人:Hero76   评论时间: 2015/09/18
  • 翻译文:  事实上,我改变了我的名字芬顿。我不认为它是丑陋或奇怪,我不讨厌这个名字了。这是一个很酷和聪明的声音,阳刚的名字! :) xo。
    原文:  Actually, I've changed my mind about the name Fenton. I don't think it's ugly or weird and I don't hate this name anymore. It's quite a nice cool & clever sounding, masculine name! :) xo.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/07/25
  • 翻译文:  这是一个丑陋的名字。这听起来很奇怪,看起来很奇怪。我讨厌这个名字。
    原文:  This is an ugly name. It sounds weird and looks weird. I hate this name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2014/07/22
  • 翻译文:  2012年在美国出生的34名婴儿被给予Fenton的名字。
    原文:  The name Fenton was given to 34 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
    评论人:Oohvintage   评论时间: 2013/07/20
  • 翻译文:  我知道有这个名字的人,我认为这是真的很好。我喜欢它的声音很多,它听起来很有教育程度。
    原文:  I know someone with this name and I think it's really nice. I like the sound of it a lot and it sounds very educated.
    评论人:plutogirlgenius   评论时间: 2009/08/24
  • 翻译文:  我最喜欢的角色在经典的迪斯尼剧“鸭传说”是,当然,Fenton Crackshell。
    原文:  My favorite character on the classis Disney show "Duck Tales" is, of course, Fenton Crackshell.
    评论人:Furienna   评论时间: 2008/11/03
  • 翻译文:  在弗莱尔,大儿子被命名为芬顿。
    原文:  In Fraility, the older son was named Fenton.
    评论人:Evil   评论时间: 2008/08/05
  • 翻译文:  我怀疑这个名字会赶上。我的意思是,Fent只是不是一个非常吸引人的绰号,它缺乏一定的流量,你知道。这听起来很奇怪的名字。相当自负。
    原文:  I doubt this name is going to catch on. I mean, Fent just isn't a very catchy nickname, and it lacks a certain flow, you know. It sounds weird as a first name. Rather pretentious.
    评论人:slight night shiver   评论时间: 2008/05/24
  • 翻译文:  这个名字是伟大的,虽然我认为这是更好的一个姓。一旦我看到有一种类型的锅叫Fenton。这是奇怪的。
    原文:  This name is great, although I think it's better as a surname. Once I saw that there was a type of pot called a Fenton. It was weird.
    评论人:dreamgirl54   评论时间: 2007/11/10
  • 翻译文:  丹尼的名字在Nickelodeon显示“丹尼Phantom”。
    原文:  Last name of Danny on the Nickelodeon show "Danny Phantom".
    评论人:Evil   评论时间: 2007/07/12
  • 翻译文:  我有一个预感,这个名字在未来几年将是巨大的,看看当前美国的给孩子的姓名的趋势,例如。麦肯齐和佩顿。
    原文:  I have a hunch this name is going to be big in the coming years, looking at the current American trend of giving surnames to children eg. Mackenzie and Peyton.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/02/14
  • 翻译文:  你说这个名字,从11世纪在诺丁汉,源于'马什镇'。然而,许多人认为这个名字是在诺曼征服期间从法国带来的,在这种情况下,名字来到地方之前,反之亦然。
    原文:  You have said this name, which dates from the 11th century in Nottingham, is derived from 'Marsh-town'. However, many believe that the name was brought over from France during the Norman conquest in which case the name comes before the place, not vice versa.
    评论人:fentonmeyra   评论时间: 2006/02/13