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  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字。我知道一个埃弗雷特,总是喜欢他的名字的声音。它让我想起了大高大的云杉树的某些原因。土质和男子气概。肯定会命名一个儿子这个。
    原文:  I love this name. I knew an Everette and always liked the sound of his name. It reminds me of big tall spruce trees for some reason. Earthy and manly. Would definitely name a son this.
    评论人:Kasey Mae   评论时间: 2017/02/07
  • 翻译文:  我不能相信这被列为一个男性的名字。为了大声哭泣,它结束于“-ette”!
    原文:  I cannot believe that this is listed as a masculine name. For crying out loud, it ends in "-ette"!
    评论人:erb816   评论时间: 2010/01/10
  • 翻译文:  尽管-ette结束,这个名字听起来不是很女性化。声音是严苛和丑陋的,这是相当令人沮丧的,有些人在他们的女儿使用这样的名字。
    原文:  Despite the -ette ending, the name just doesn't sound very feminine. The sound is harsh and ugly, and it's quite depressing that some people use names like this on their daughters.
    评论人:slight night shiver   评论时间: 2008/05/23