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  • 翻译文:  这个名字的着名持有人是查尔斯·德莱斯特兰德(1879年至1945年),法国将军,法国抵抗在第二次世界大战期间的成员,他被执行在达豪由SS。 \u003cbr\u003e一般Delestraint来自法国北部(法国佛兰德斯),所以他被称为“卡尔”(查尔斯在佛兰芒语)。
    原文:  A famous bearer of this name is Charles Delestraint (1879-1945), a French general, member of the French resistance during WW2, he was executed in Dachau by SS. General Delestraint was from the north of France (the French flanders) so he was called “Carl” (Charles in flemish language).
    评论人:Maxine J. Rolland   评论时间: 2017/01/07
  • 翻译文:  这个名字听起来像一个“刻板的书呆子”的名字。我真的不喜欢它。
    原文:  This name sounds like a "stereotypical nerd" kinda name. I don't really like it.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2016/07/05
  • 翻译文:  卡尔是一个字符上水族青少年饥饿力量。
    原文:  Carl is a character on Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2016/05/26
  • 翻译文:  我在大多数同龄人中去这个昵称,因为当我要进入高中时,一个女孩决定缩短我的真正的名字,这恰好是卡罗。有些日子,我觉得我变得更像是卡尔而不是卡罗 - 这可能听起来很奇怪,但回应一个与另一个有不同的感觉。每个人都有不同的期望:Carl更有趣,交际和聪明,而Carlo感觉像一个更恰当,正式,我不知道,那种杰出的人。
    原文:  I go by this nickname among most of my peers because when I was about to enter high school, a girl decided to shorten my real given name, which happens to be Carlo. There are days when I feel that I have become more of a Carl rather than a Carlo - this may sound bizarre but responding to one has a different feeling as from the other. Like each is burdened by a different set of expectations: Carl is more fun, sociable and clever, while Carlo feels like a more proper, formal and I don't know, kind of distinguished person.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2016/04/10
  • 翻译文:  我更喜欢拼写卡尔。
    原文:  I prefer the spelling Karl.
    评论人:hkols   评论时间: 2014/11/03
  • 翻译文:  这很容易是我最喜欢的男孩名字!这是过去几年,它可能永远是。如果我有一个儿子,这将是他的名字。我不是卡尔的拼写的一个大粉丝虽然,但我一直是C对K的粉丝,当谈到名字的拼写。
    原文:  This is easily my top favorite boy name! It has been for the past few years, and it probably always will be. If I have a son this will be his name. I'm not a big fan of the spelling as Karl though, but I've always been a fan of C over K when it comes to the spelling of names.
    评论人:LennonDeaconLover96   评论时间: 2014/10/17
  • 翻译文:  我认为这个名字太可爱了!我想象一个快乐,友好的人,名字卡尔。 =)
    原文:  I think this name is so cute! I imagine a happy & friendly person with the name Carl. =)
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2014/10/15
  • 翻译文:  着名的持有者包括Rick Grimes的僵尸屁股踢儿子,Carl Grimes从行尸走肉。
    原文:  Famous bearers include Rick Grimes's zombie-ass kicking son, Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2013/11/27
  • 翻译文:  这个名字是伟大的一个小男孩听到的。它是可爱的,但严重的同时。真正的经典。在我看来,像卡尔这样的名字远比Jayden和Hunter更有趣。卡尔给了它一点点的spunk和pizazz,而卡尔是更永恒的,类似于凯瑟琳和凯瑟琳:)
    原文:  This name would be great to hear on a little boy. It's cute, but serious at the same time. A true classic. In my opinion, names like Carl are far more interesting than Jayden and Hunter. The spelling Karl gives it a little more spunk and pizazz, while Carl is more timeless, similar to Katherine and Catherine :)
    评论人:Oohvintage   评论时间: 2013/08/11
  • 翻译文:  我以前认为卡尔是一个书呆子的名字,因为吉米中子和其他节目。我认为很多人都做到了。然而,当我开始看电视节目“无耻”,那个男孩被命名为卡尔,我真的开始爱上这个名字。
    原文:  I used to think Carl was kind of a nerdy name because of Jimmy Neutron and other shows. I think a lot of people did. However, when I started watching the TV show Shameless and the boy on it was named Carl, I really started to love the name.
    评论人:Kabaz417   评论时间: 2013/01/03
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·萨根是这个有福的名字的邪恶的持有人。另一个“科学家”谁传播的逻辑和理性的谎言,卡尔萨根臭名昭着的锅吸烟者,拒绝主他的救世主。一个使用他巨大智慧的人,宣称基督教的神不是真的。相反,他相信所有的东西,包括自然灾害,是自然的!那些听他的人可能会喊出雹子萨根,并遵循魔鬼的命令。
    原文:  Carl Sagan is a wicked holder of this blessed name. Another "scientist" who spread the lies of logic and reason, Carl Sagan a notorious pot smoker, rejected the Lord his savior. A man who used his immense intelligence, declared that the Christian God is not real. Instead he believes that all things, including natural disasters, are natural! Those who listen to him are likely to shout Hail Sagan and follow the devil's commands.
    评论人:Pope Benedict XVI   评论时间: 2012/12/11
  • 翻译文:  卡尔(1872-1957)是丹麦国王弗雷德里克八世的儿子和他的妻子路易莎。他后来成为挪威国王哈康七世。
    原文:  Carl (1872-1957) was the son of King Frederik VIII of Denmark and his wife Louisa. He later became King Haakon VII of Norway.
    评论人:CarolinW   评论时间: 2012/07/22
  • 翻译文:  卡尔(1680-1708)是丹麦国王Christian V的儿子和他的妻子夏洛特。
    原文:  Carl (1680-1708) was the son of King Christian V of Denmark and his wife Charlotte.
    评论人:CarolinW   评论时间: 2012/07/22
  • 翻译文:  卡尔(1728-1729)是丹麦国王弗雷德里克四世的儿子和他的第三任妻子安娜。
    原文:  Carl (1728-1729) was the son of King Frederik IV of Denmark and his third wife Anna.
    评论人:CarolinW   评论时间: 2012/07/22
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·巴克斯,迪斯尼工作室插画和漫画创作者,是一个着名的持票人,我最喜欢的卡尔斯之一。
    原文:  Carl Barks, Disney studio illustrator and comic book creator, is a famous bearer, and one of my favourite Carls.
    评论人:nenmo   评论时间: 2011/10/18
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·安德烈(1935)是美国雕塑家,最小的艺术的领先指数。
    原文:  Carl Andre (1935) is an American sculptor, a leading exponent of Minimal art.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2011/08/10
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·史塔米茨是少数几个写中提琴协奏曲的人之一。作为一个小提琴家,我真的尊重他。我不喜欢他的名字,但它总是打击我丑陋。
    原文:  Carl Stamitz was one of the few people to write a viola concerto. As a violist, I really respect him for that. I don't like his name, though - it always struck me as ugly.
    评论人:lcgirl20   评论时间: 2011/07/10
  • 翻译文:  Carl Jung是瑞士的精神病医生和Jungian心理学的创始人。
    原文:  Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of Jungian psychology.
    评论人:missmarlenesinclair   评论时间: 2010/05/07
  • 翻译文:  这是我最好的朋友的绰号。我们如何从卡里萨“卡尔”我永远不会知道,但我认为这是很酷。
    原文:  This is my best friend's nickname. How we got 'Carl' from 'Carissa' I will never know, but I think it's kinda cool.
    评论人:rivalschools13   评论时间: 2009/10/11
  • 翻译文:  Carl Ben Eielson(1897-1929)是一位早期的美国飞行员,曾在第一次世界大战期间在美国陆军信号军团服役,并在阿拉斯加飞行。他是第一个穿越北冰洋的人。他在西伯利亚的一架飞机失事中死亡,当时他正试图在被困在冰中的纳努克船上营救乘客。 1985年,他被介绍进入国家航空名人堂在俄亥俄州代顿。
    原文:  Carl Ben Eielson (1897-1929) was an early American aviator who served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War I and flew planes in Alaska. He was the first person to fly across the Arctic Ocean. He died in a plane crash in Siberia when he was attempting to rescue passengers on board the ship Nanuk, which was trapped in ice. In 1985 he was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in Dayton, Ohio.
    评论人:Anyechka   评论时间: 2009/08/05
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·萨根(1934-1996),世界着名的天文学家和作家的这样的书,如宇宙和恶魔闹鬼的世界。
    原文:  Carl Sagan (1934-1996), world-famous astronomer and author of such books as Cosmos and The Demon-Haunted World.
    评论人:malkat   评论时间: 2009/03/05
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢它更好与德国拼写“卡尔”。
    原文:  I like it better with the German spelling "Karl".
    评论人:upon_her_eyes   评论时间: 2009/01/27
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·柯林斯,昆汀的哥哥从黑暗阴影完全摧毁了这个名字为我。加上它很难说。来自Night Stalker的Carl Kolchak很酷。
    原文:  Carl Collins, Quentin's brother from Dark Shadows completely destroyed this name for me. Plus it's difficult to say. Carl Kolchak from the Night Stalker is cool though.
    评论人:yohevid   评论时间: 2008/08/12
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·巴拉特!以前在Libertines和现在在肮脏的漂亮的东西。他也很热。 :)
    原文:  Carl Barat! Formerly in the Libertines and now in Dirty Pretty Things. He's so hot too. :)
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2008/06/17
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·贝尔是摇滚乐队燃料的主要吉他手和抒情诗人。
    原文:  Carl Bell is the lead guitarist and lyricist for the rock band Fuel.
    评论人:Brenna   评论时间: 2007/12/27
  • 翻译文:  丑的名字。在吉米中子有一个卡尔和他的蠢。现在我想每一个卡尔都是哑巴。卡尔毁了它。
    原文:  Ugly name. On Jimmy Neutron there is a Carl and he's dumb. Now I think every Carl is dumb. Carl ruined it.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/12/07
  • 翻译文:  着名的持有者是英国科技DJ卡尔·考克斯。他出生于1962年7月29日,英国兰开夏郡的奥尔德姆。
    原文:  A famous bearer is British techno DJ Carl Cox. He was born 29 July 1962, Oldham, Lancashire, England, UK.
    评论人:Karcoolka   评论时间: 2007/06/02
  • 翻译文:  这是我哥哥的名字,我觉得很酷。虽然它可以令人讨厌,因为没有人可以发表它的权利!它的发音:KAH-RUL。
    原文:  This is my brother's name and I think pretty cool. Although it can get annoying because nobody can pronounce it right! It's pronounced: KAH-RUL.
    评论人:gym4god   评论时间: 2007/02/04
  • 翻译文:  通用的双重名称组合如卡尔菲利普(瑞典王子)和卡尔·古斯塔夫/古斯塔夫(瑞典国王),卡尔约翰,卡尔-Erik等。
    原文:  Common in double name combos like Carl Philip (prince of Sweden) and Carl Gustav/Gustaf (King of Sweden), Carl-Johan, Carl-Erik etc.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/01/15
  • 翻译文:  Calle是常见的瑞典绰号。
    原文:  Calle is the common Swedish nickname.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/01/15
  • 翻译文:  在此聆听Carl的德语发音:\u003cbr\u003e \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"blank\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e
    原文:  Listen to the German pronunciation of Carl here:
    评论人:   评论时间: 2006/10/24
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·史密斯是乡村音乐的最早的明星之一,以音乐风格的流派取得重大成功。他是六月卡特现金的第一个丈夫,是卡伦·卡特的父亲。
    原文:  Carl Smith is one of country music's earliest stars to have major success with honky-tonk style of the genre. He was the first husband of June Carter Cash and is the father of Carlene Carter.
    评论人:audreyhubley   评论时间: 2006/08/28
  • 翻译文:  着名的Carl名字包括:\u003cbr\u003e - Carl XVI Gustaf,瑞典国王和瑞典皇家海军上将(b。1946年4月30日)。\u003cbr\u003e - Carl Maria von Weber(生于11月18日或11月19日,1786;死于1826年6月5日),德国作曲家。他写了很多宗教天主教音乐,许多作品为单簧管,还有几个歌剧,包括“DerFreischütz”。\u003cbr\u003e - 原“海滩男孩”成员Carl Wilson(1946年12月21日 - 1998年2月6日) 。他唱了几首专辑“Smiley Smile”和“Wild Honey”的歌曲,以及其他热门单曲,包括“Good Vibrations”和“Darlin”。\u003cbr\u003e - Carcher N. Archer(1917年1月16日出生) ,Carl's Jr.汉堡包链的创始人。
    原文:  Famous bearers of the name Carl include:- Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden and Admiral of the Royal Swedish Navy (b. April 30, 1946).- Carl Maria von Weber (born November 18 or November 19, 1786; died June 5, 1826), a German composer. He wrote a lot of religious Catholic music, and many works for the clarinet, and also several operas, including "Der Freischütz".- Original "Beach Boys" member Carl Wilson (December 21, 1946 – February 6, 1998). He sang lead on several songs on the albums "Smiley Smile" and "Wild Honey", and other hit singles, including "Good Vibrations" and "Darlin'".- Carl N. Archer (born January 16, 1917), founder of the Carl's Jr. hamburger chain.
    评论人:AndrewJKD   评论时间: 2006/08/14
  • 翻译文:  Carl Stalling是Looney Tunes卡通的音乐总监。
    原文:  Carl Stalling was the musical director for the Looney Tunes Cartoons.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/07/27
  • 翻译文:  卡尔是一个可爱的名字。 :)自由的前面人和现在的肮脏的漂亮的东西叫卡尔·巴拉特,又名卡洛斯! hehe :)(他是如此热)
    原文:  Carl is such a lovely name. :) Front man of the Libertines and now of Dirty Pretty Things is called Carl Barat, aka Carlos! hehe :) (he is ever so hot)
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/06/14
  • 翻译文:  着名的持有人是卡尔·奥尔夫,德国作曲家,着名的卡米纳·布拉纳。
    原文:  Famous bearer is Carl Orff, a German composer, famous for Carmina Burana.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/03/27
  • 翻译文:  我从来没有真正关心的名字卡尔。在一个节目上,我曾经看过一个名为As Told by Ginger,Ginger的小弟弟的名字是Carl。
    原文:  I never actually cared for the name Carl. On a show I used to watch called As Told by Ginger, Ginger's little brother's name is Carl.
    评论人:amber monkey   评论时间: 2006/03/16
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·拉森是一位着名的瑞典画家。
    原文:  Carl Larsson is a famous Swedish painter.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2005/12/20
  • 翻译文:  卡尔·贝斯纳是阿加莎·克里斯蒂在“尼罗河上的死亡”的“卡纳克”的医生的名字。
    原文:  Carl Bessner was the name of the doctor aboard the "Karnak" in Agatha Christie's "Death On The Nile".
    评论人:AndrewJKD   评论时间: 2005/11/05
  • 翻译文:  Carl Sandburg和Karl Marx是另外两个着名的C / Karls。
    原文:  Carl Sandberg and Karl Marx are two other famous C/Karls.
    评论人:nomenphile   评论时间: 2005/10/03
  • 翻译文:  名字卡尔是地球上最好的名字,应该只给予男人的精英。不是每个其他失败者在阳光下。如果你的名字是卡尔,那么你最好冷静下来。
    原文:  The name Carl is the best damn name on the planet and should only be given to the elite among men. Not every other loser under the sun. If your name is Carl then dammit you better be cool.
    评论人:marty mcfly   评论时间: 2005/09/19
  • 翻译文:  卡尔是一个很酷的名字。这不是万人迷的方式。
    原文:  Carl is a cool name. It's NOT geeky by the way.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2005/09/08