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  • 翻译文:  我的名字也是Brittneigh,我发布了它'Britt-nee'。有两种方式发音,取决于你喜欢哪一个,上面的关于她的朋友的评论,她的名字是Brittanee,他们发音为“Britt-nee”也不是“brit-ta-nee”。
    原文:  My name is also Brittneigh and I pronounce it 'Britt-nee'. There are two ways of pronouncing the name depending which one you prefer, the above comment about her friend, her name is Brittanee and they pronounced it 'Britt-nee' also, not 'brit-ta-nee'.
    评论人:Brittneigh   评论时间: 2017/01/21
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是'Brittneigh',并发布它的英国,拼写它'布列塔尼'不意味着你发布它'英国的',因为当有人问你的名字,你只是说'英国'。 。我没有反对拼写'布兰妮或布列塔尼'我认为他们是可爱的,但我喜欢我和我最亲爱的朋友谁现在失踪,他们拼写了她的'Brittanee'。
    原文:  My name is 'Brittneigh' and pronounce it brit-nee, spelling it 'Brittany' doesn't mean you pronounce it 'brit-ta-nee' because when someone asks your name you'd just say 'Brit-nee'... I have nothing against the spellings 'Britney or Brittany' I think they are lovely but I do prefer mine and my dearest friend who is currently missing and they spelt hers 'Brittanee'.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2017/01/20
  • 翻译文:  这只是尖叫,你是一个从贝弗利山的一个蠢的金发女郎。
    原文:  This just screams out that you're a dumb blonde from Beverly Hills.
    评论人:StrattonO   评论时间: 2016/12/08
  • 翻译文:  请不要冒犯,但名字布列塔尼使得认为一个卡住了snobby,宠坏了,啦啦队员,所以我讨厌这个名字。不是说所有的布列塔尼的都是这样,但这只是为什么我不喜欢那个名字。
    原文:  Please don't be offended, but the name Brittany makes be think of a stuck up snobby, spoiled, cheerleader so I hate this name. Not saying all Brittany's are like that, but that's just why I don't like that name.
    评论人:Sania01   评论时间: 2016/07/22
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼是不同国家的通用名称。甚至其含义对于不同的国家是不同的。他们来自英国,英国,澳大利亚。这只是一个没有好意思的名字。
    原文:  Brittany is a common name in different countries. Even its meanings are different for different countries. They are from Great Britain, England, Australia. It's just a name with no good meaning.
    评论人:naomiwatts   评论时间: 2016/07/21
  • 翻译文:  这个名字的其他拼写:Britney,Britany,Britni和Britany。这是一个不错的名字。不太受欢迎。听起来很漂亮。它有一个很好的流。这意味着从英国。这听起来像Britt-any或Britt-knee。无论哪种方式,你想发音。
    原文:  Other spellings of this name: Britney, Britany, Britni, and Britany. It is a nice name. Not too popular. Sounds pretty. It has a nice flow. It means from Britain. It sounds like Britt-any or Britt-knee. Either way you want to pronounce it.
    评论人:KelseyDog   评论时间: 2016/03/27
  • 翻译文:  我父母的婴儿名字书说布列塔尼是拉丁裔,意思是“从英国。我想这可能与布列塔尼,意为“英国人”的拉丁词,以及不列颠,英国的拉丁词有关。
    原文:  My parents' baby name book says that Brittany is of Latin origin and means "from England." I guess it might be related to Brittani, a Latin word meaning "the Britons," and also Britannia, the Latin word for Britain.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/11/26
  • 翻译文:  我是一个早期的布列塔尼,出生于1983年,我一直是我在学校班上唯一的布列塔尼。当我还是个孩子,人们认为这是一个奇怪的名字,并为我构成了各种昵称(我去了Britta)。但随后这个名字变得超级流行,然后布兰妮斯皮尔斯在我的高中时代流行起来,现在我留下一个听起来有点像ditzy的名字(这让我想起蒂芙尼或水晶从我的一天)。由于我是我的时尚名字的老,我也被认为比我实际在我的职业生涯年轻。我现在是一个教授,但学生告诉我,他们经常被困惑的布列塔尼如何教大学。所以父母,考虑这些问题,如果你想给你的孩子一个不常见的名字,但越来越受欢迎;它可能实际上伤害他们在未来的职业!
    原文:  I am an early Brittany, born in 1983, and I was always the only Brittany in my class in school. When I was a kid, people thought it was a strange name and made up all sorts of nicknames for me (I went by Britta). But then the name became super popular, and then Britney Spears became popular in my high school days, and now I am left with a name that sounds kind of ditzy (it reminds me of Tiffany or Crystal from my day). Since I am old for my trendy first name, I am also perceived to be younger than I actually am in my professional life. I am now a professor, but students tell me they are often confused by how a Brittany can teach college. So parents, consider these issues if you want to give your child a name that is uncommon but rising in popularity; it may actually hurt them professionally in the future!
    评论人:britt520   评论时间: 2015/10/26
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼是一个这样美丽的女孩的名字。这个名字听起来很不错,很酷,非常有吸引力。
    原文:  Brittany is a such beautiful girl name. The name sounds very nice, cool and very attractive.
    评论人:babynology   评论时间: 2015/08/24
  • 翻译文:  我认为布列塔尼是一个绝对美丽的名字,它适合所有的名字布列塔尼的华丽女孩在那里。它在十多年来名列前十名,我想每个人都可能知道一个布列塔尼在20年代初。这个名字是如此好喜欢它确实过度使用,现在不是一个流行的名字。我认为这是所有时间最流行的名字之一!
    原文:  I think Brittany is an absolute beautiful name and it fits all the gorgeous girls named Brittany out there. It was in the top #10 of popular names for over 10 years, I think everyone may know a Brittany in her early 20's now. The name was so well liked it did get over used, not such a popular name now. I think this is one of the most popular names out there of all time!
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/06/20
  • 翻译文:  太多的变化,无论如何拼写,这将是混乱。
    原文:  Too many variations that no matter how it's spelled it would be confusing.
    评论人:lilpimpteller   评论时间: 2015/06/15
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是布列塔尼,我以前习惯了很多,叫布兰妮斯皮尔斯,他们会说的意思是事情。但我爱我的名字,我不在乎,如果它被过度使用。我的名字应该是Brianna,但我很高兴我的祖母为我选择了这个名字。我不是snobby或卡住了我是完全相反。对于那些说名叫布列塔尼的女孩被困住,我知道其他名叫布列塔尼的女孩,他们是那么好,我遇到一些女孩,我的同名,不那么好。我们每个人都有我们自己的个性,使我们成为我们。所以,请不要以为我们都一样。
    原文:  My name is Brittany, I used to get teased a lot and called Britney Spears and they would say mean things. But I love my name and I don't care if it's overused. My name was supposed to be Brianna, but I'm glad my grandmother chose this name for me. I am not snobby or stuck up I'm the complete opposite. For those who say girls named Brittany are stuck up, I know of other girls named Brittany and they are so nice and I met some girls with my same name that aren't so nice. We each have our own personalities that make us who we are. So please stop thinking we're all the same.
    评论人:Britt15352   评论时间: 2015/05/27
  • 翻译文:  对于所有这些恨布兰妮的女孩,只是因为她这样命名,让我告诉你这是愚蠢的,她是世界上最着名的布兰妮,超过任何人。
    原文:  For all these girls that hate on Britney just because she's named like that, let me tell you tha'st to be stupid, she's the most famous Britney in the world, more than any of you.
    评论人:FranciscoFF   评论时间: 2015/05/27
  • 翻译文:  对于所有想要消除那种只是纯粹理想主义的原型引用的人。我是一个社会学专业,有一个心理发生称为“模式”,不仅在玩这个名字,而是与大多数的名字。这个名字让人联想到消极的社会的原因是,有这么多的女孩有这个名字,其中许多是相当浅和不明显。没有任何人的攻击,我知道这是一个总括声明,但我试图说明为什么这个名称有这样的负面含义。太时髦,太浅,太ditzy。
    原文:  For all of you that want to dismiss the stereotype reference that is just plain idealistic. I am a sociology major and there is a psychological occurrence called "schema" that is in play with not only this name but with most names. The reason why this name brings to mind negative associations is just that--there are so many girls with this name and many of them are rather shallow and unremarkable. No offense to anyone and I know this is a blanket statement, but I am trying to convey why this name has such negative connotations. Too trendy, too shallow and too ditzy.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/02/21
  • 翻译文:  更新:实际上我认为更喜欢布兰妮的拼写比这个原始的拼写。但即使使用拼写“布列塔尼”,我仍然喜欢这个名字的声音,如果它被称为“BRIT-nee”。反正,我的评论的其余部分仍然站立! :)
    原文:  Update: Hmm actually I think prefer the spelling of Britney more than this original spelling. But even if the spelling "Brittany" is used I do still love the sound of this name if it's said as "BRIT-nee". Anyway, the rest of my comment still stands! :)
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2015/07/31
  • 翻译文:  由于这是原始的传统拼写,我认为布列塔尼比“布兰妮”更好。 “Britney”的样子让我想起了太多的布兰妮斯皮尔斯。我喜欢发音“BRIT-nee”。我♥该布列塔尼是法国的一个地区的名称! (“⌒∇⌒”)这是一个美丽,华丽,辉煌,惊人,经典和优雅的名字! .◕‿◕。所有的啦啦队长,金发,bimbo,卡住了,bratty,preppy,ditzy,snobby等。定型应该停止,因为显然不是所有布列塔尼的都是这样的! ⊙︿⊙令人震惊的是,有多少人歧视布列塔尼名字。 (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ。
    原文:  Since this is the original, traditional spelling I think Brittany is better than "Britney". The way "Britney" looks reminds me too much of Britney Spears. I like the pronunciation "BRIT-nee". I ♥ that Brittany is the name of a region in France! (“⌒∇⌒”) This is a beautiful, gorgeous, brilliant, amazing, classic & elegant name! 。◕‿◕。 P.S. All the cheerleader, blonde, bimbo, stuck-up, bratty, preppy, ditzy, snobby etc. Stereotypes should stop because obviously not ALL Brittany's are like this! ⊙︿⊙ It's shocking how high the number of people discriminate against the name Brittany. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2014/10/26
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字,它听起来如此明亮和开朗,我真的不明白为什么有些人联系名称与一个卡住了bratty女孩。当我想到这个名字时,我得到完全相反的图像。我想到一个聪明,开朗,充满想象力的女孩。
    原文:  I like this name, it sounds so bright and cheerful, I really don't understand why some people associate the name with a stuck up bratty girl. I get the exact opposite image when I think of this name. I think of a girl who is clever and cheerful and full of imagination.
    评论人:BuyBeerOrPayTheRent   评论时间: 2014/10/08
  • 翻译文:  我一直觉得这个名字很粘。它有一个相当硬的声音,特别是与美国口音,丢弃第二个音节。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e一个纯粹的90年代的趋势,幸运地保持在90年代。
    原文:  I've always found this name tacky. It has a rather hard sound to it, especially with the American accent, dropping the second syllable.A pure 90s trend that fortunately stayed in the 90's.
    评论人:Tiger Lilly   评论时间: 2013/10/27
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是Brittanny(我只是有双N,它的发音是一样的)所以说,所有布列塔尼的是bimbos和snobs的人不能更错了。我不是金发*哭泣*,我是一个otaku *哭更硬* .P.S任何人想知道,布兰妮和布列塔尼是两个不同的名字,布兰妮发音为BRIT-NEE和布列塔尼发音为BRIT-TAH-NEE。
    原文:  My name is Brittanny (I just have the double N in it, it's pronounced the same) so the person who said that all Brittany's are bimbos and snobs couldn't be more wrong. I ain't blond *cries*, I am an otaku *cries harder*.P.S for anybody wondering, Britney and Brittany are two different names, Britney being pronounced as BRIT-NEE and Brittany being pronounced as BRIT-TAH-NEE.
    评论人:brittstick   评论时间: 2013/10/07
  • 翻译文:  我不总是喜欢布列塔尼名字,但人们说它有“没有意义”让我生气。我的祖父母出生在布列塔尼。它已经是法国500年的一部分,但我仍然有一个疯狂的大叔,主张它回到自己的国家。这可能不是一个好主意(这不是为什么他疯了,虽然),但它是一个有悠久历史的美丽的地方。不,它不是字面上的意思是“希望”或“恩典”(它的字面意思是“英国”,我有点像,因为我的家人的另一边来自英国),但它仍然有很多意义,对于一个着名的持票人,我的中间名是安妮,布列塔尼的安妮是布列塔尼的最后一个独立的女王。 (看她在维基百科 - 我的母亲,我开玩笑说我们得到了她的额头。)布列塔尼不是她的传统意义上的名字,但很多姓氏来自国家人民,并且姓名成为名字相当经常。我说,我并不总是疯狂的名字布列塔尼,因为我觉得没有一个人的名字很多历史。我读了很多作为一个孩子,并总是沮丧,在儿童的书籍“布列塔尼”不可避免的snobby拮据的朋友(我可以想到的唯一的例子,当我年纪大的是Quinn的朋友在Daria) - 布列塔尼isn'将成为一个故事的英雄。当然,我得到了很多“哦,像布兰妮斯皮尔斯?我从来不喜欢。由于很多原因,我正在考虑安妮,但是通过学习布列塔尼的安妮更容易,因为它让我感觉不像我把所有的布列塔尼名字的意思。事实上,没有人认为这个历史,只记得流星的沮丧,但不要让它让你失望。
    原文:  I haven't always liked the name Brittany, but people saying it has "no meaning" makes me angry. My grandparents were born in Brittany. It has been part of France for 500 years, but I still have a crazy great-uncle who advocated for it to return to being its own country. That's probably not a great idea (it's not why he's crazy though), but it is a beautiful place with a long history. No, it doesn't literally mean "hope" or "grace" (it literally means "Of Britain," which I kind of like because the other side of my family is from England), but it still has a lot of meaning and power.As to a famous bearer, my middle name is Anne, and Anne of Brittany was the last independent queen of Brittany. (Look her up on wikipedia - my mother and I joke that we got her forehead.) Brittany wasn't her name in the traditional sense, but a lot of last names come from the country people are from, and last names become first names fairly regularly.Like I said, I haven't always been crazy about the name Brittany, because I felt like it didn't have a lot of history as a person's name. I read a lot as a child, and was always frustrated that in children's books "Brittany" was inevitably the friend of the snobby antagonist (the only example I can think of from when I was older is Quinn's friend in Daria) - Brittany isn't going to be the hero of a story. And of course, I got a lot of "Oh, like Britney Spears?" which I never liked. For a number of reasons I am considering going by Anne instead, but that is made easier by learning about Anne of Brittany, because it makes me feel less like I am turning my back on all the meaning the name Brittany does have. The fact that no one thinks of that history and only remembers the pops stars is frustrating, but don't let it get you down.
    评论人:Bannef   评论时间: 2013/10/07
  • 翻译文:  听起来如此ditzy和preppy。
    原文:  Sounds so ditzy and preppy.
    评论人:Lolth   评论时间: 2013/04/28
  • 翻译文:  我认为这是一个漂亮的名字,很多人认为布列塔尼是一个bratty的名字,包括我有时。人们确实有一个刻板印象的名字,使用有点太多,但当你想到它,它不是一个坏的名字,它是一个漂亮的一个:)
    原文:  I think it is a pretty name, a lot of people think Brittany is a bratty name, including me at times. People do have a stereotype for the name and is used a bit too much, but when you think about it, it is not a bad name, it is a pretty one :)
    评论人:cccake15   评论时间: 2013/04/14
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是布列塔尼,我出生就在布兰妮斯皮尔斯成为流行。这个名字本身没有什么不妥,但是当我还是个孩子的时候,我就是一个姑娘。即使拼写不同,我得到了很多“嘿,布兰妮斯皮尔斯!从其他孩子。而在我开始中学的时候,每次我告诉别人我的名字,他们有一个很好的机会,他们会说...“哦,你看起来不像是布列塔尼给我。因为我的黑头发和平静的个性。我得到了。所以只是命名你的孩子惠特尼或某事,如果你喜欢的声音,但不是布列塔尼。
    原文:  My name is Brittany, and I was born just before Britney Spears became popular. It's not anything wrong with the name itself, but being a tomboy when I was a kid I was teased for it. Even with the spelling different, I got a lot of "Hey, Britney Spears!" From other kids. And around the time I started middle school, every time I told someone my name, there was a good chance they'd say... "Oh, you don't seem/look like a Brittany to me." Because of my dark hair and calm personality. I STILL get that. So just name your kid Whitney or something if you love the sound, but not Brittany.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2013/01/07
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼发音为brit-nee。像玛格丽特(marg-ret)一样,A是沉默的。总的来说,我认为这是一个美丽的名字,比布兰妮好多了。
    原文:  Brittany is pronounced brit-nee. Like Margaret (marg-ret) the A is silent. Overall I think it is a beautiful name and much better than Britney.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2012/09/01
  • 翻译文:  这不是明显的英国没有a,因为那将是britney,但它有一个在它,所以它是发音的英国谭-nee与THE,无论你来自它有一个A!没有借口和这个惊人的名字的人会发现它冒犯了被称为布兰妮布兰妮斯皮尔斯后,布兰妮是一个chavs名称,所以上帝得到它的权利!
    原文:  This is not pronounced Brit-nee without the a because then it would be britney but it has an a in it so it is pronounced Brit-tan-nee WITH THE A, wherever you come from it has an A! No excuses and the people with this stunning name will find it offensive to be called britney after britney spears, britney is a chavs name so god get it right!
    评论人:Brittanynotbritney   评论时间: 2012/05/08
  • 翻译文:  我不喜欢这个名字。我从来没有真的有。它只是听起来如此不成熟和bimbo-ish对我(没有犯罪任何人读这个名字布列塔尼)。
    原文:  I don't like this name. I never really have. It just sounds so immature and bimbo-ish to me (no offense to anybody reading this named Brittany).
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2012/02/24
  • 翻译文:  “Hey Brittany”是Forever the Sickest Kids的一首歌。
    原文:  "Hey Brittany" is a song by Forever the Sickest Kids.
    评论人:guardgirl15   评论时间: 2011/12/24
  • 翻译文:  我最好的朋友的名字是布列塔尼,她缩短到Britt。我个人发布的名字“Brit-a-nee”,因为说“Brit-nee”提醒我太多的布兰妮和我不喜欢那个名字。我的朋友实际上是发音为“英式”的方式;我不认为它打扰她的方式人们说它!
    原文:  My best friend's name is Brittany, and she shortens it to Britt. I personally pronounce the name "Brit-a-nee" because saying "Brit-nee" reminds me too much of Britney and I dislike that name. My friend actually pronounces it the "Brit-nee" way; I don't think it bothers her which way people say it!
    评论人:aussiejess   评论时间: 2011/06/10
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼听起来过时和无聊。它像那么多其他名字一样被夸大了。
    原文:  Brittany sounds outdated and boring. It's been overplayed like so many other names.
    评论人:Missy   评论时间: 2011/06/03
  • 翻译文:  虽然从来没有意义,我会告诉我的未来的女儿布兰妮布兰妮意味着“美丽”。你们都知道有很多布兰妮,虽然很多他们是snobs,很多他们也是非常可靠和漂亮的人。此外,你可以改变很多:Britlynn,Britleen,Britanna ...的可能性是无止境的:))
    原文:  Although since there really is no meaning for it, I would tell my future daughter Britney that Britney means 'Beautiful'. And you guys know that there are lots of Britneys, and although a lot of them are snobs, a lot of them are also very reliable and nice people. Also, you can vary it a lot: Britlynn, Britleen, Britanna... the possibilities are endless.:))
    评论人:pupcake9798   评论时间: 2011/02/22
  • 翻译文:  我一直认为这是一个漂亮的名字...直到我遇到一些布兰妮。我目前知道5,没有进攻任何人名为布兰妮,但每个人,我知道名为布兰妮是trashy。所以也许你的名字你的孩子有一点点与个性有关?
    原文:  I always thought that this was a pretty name... until I met some Britneys. I currently know 5, and no offense to anyone named Britney, but everyone I know named Britney is trashy. So maybe what you name your child has a little to do with the personality?
    评论人:pupcake9798   评论时间: 2011/02/22
  • 翻译文:  这是一个非常漂亮的名字,虽然它肯定不是很好。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e另外,我真的不喜欢的拼写错误。这是一个地名!
    原文:  It's a pretty nice name, even though it certainly doesn't age well.Also, I really dislike the misspellings. It's a place name!
    评论人:Chrila96   评论时间: 2010/10/17
  • 翻译文:  我遇到了两个布列塔尼人。一个是一头小猪,另一个是一个。子。我肯定有一些正派的布列塔尼在那里,但对我来说,这是一个trashy redneck名字。
    原文:  I met two Brittanys. One was a whiny brat and the other was a skank. I'm sure there are decent Brittanys out there but to me it is a trashy redneck name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2010/07/16
  • 翻译文:  这是一个不错的名字。年轻和自由。它不老化,虽然。你能想象一个名叫布列塔尼的老妇人吗?
    原文:  It's a nice name. Youthful and free-spirited. It doesn't age well, though. Can you imagine a little old lady named Brittany?
    评论人:Black_X   评论时间: 2010/05/05
  • 翻译文:  这个名字很时尚!我想被称为这,它是如此漂亮!但我不想要它的昵称,只是布列塔尼是伟大的!
    原文:  This name is so stylish! I want to be called this, it's so pretty! But I wouldn't want the nicknames it has, just Brittany is great!
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2010/01/24
  • 翻译文:  这比其他拼写更好,但不是太多。尽管有关联,我认为这听起来比较直接和丑陋。即使没有协会,它不听起来很聪明。 \u003cbr\u003e现在啦啦队长的刻板印象应该是死的 - 足够的人有它的名字。\u003cbr\u003e总的来说,我更喜欢狗的品种。 :)
    原文:  This is better than other spellings, but not by much. Despite the associations, I think it sounds rather blunt and ugly. Even without the associations, it doesn't sound very intelligent. The cheerleader stereotype should be dead by now- enough people have the name for it to be.Overall, I prefer the dog breed. :)
    评论人:lucyskydiamonds   评论时间: 2010/01/10
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是布列塔尼。我被我的爸爸命名,Brett,他的名字的意思是“一个布列塔尼”。在我出生前几个月,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯刚刚出来,妈妈几乎没有给我这样的名字。但决定Spears可能不会成为流行。哈。她非常错了!但我从来没有想过将自己与Spears联系起来。永远。我的名字意思是“强”。我为这个意思而感到自豪,因为我在身体和情感上都坚持了。我爱我的名字。我只知道另一个布列塔尼,她是非常好的。不要选择这个名字在布兰妮斯皮尔斯,或任何其他人你知道。我唯一知道的布列塔尼是没有什么像我一样的。人们成长为他们的名字。但他们使他们的名字适合他们,而不是对方。如果你喜欢它,使用它。因为它是一个美丽的名字,我很自豪拥有它。 \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e PS。我去Britta,我爱。 :)
    原文:  My name is Brittany. I was named after my dad, Brett, his name means "one from Brittany". A couple months before I was born, Britney Spears was just coming out and mom almost didn't name me this because of that. But decided that Spears would probably not become popular. Ha. She was very wrong! But I've never thought to associate myself with Spears. Ever. My name means "strong". I pride myself on that meaning, because I've held up to it both physically and emotionally. I love my name. I only know one other Brittany and she is very nice. Don't base choosing this name on Britney Spears, or any other person you know. The only other Brittany I know is nothing at all like me. People grow into their name. But they make their name fit them, not the other way around. If you like it, use it. Because it is a beautiful name and I'm very proud to have it. PS. I go by Britta, which I love. :)
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2010/01/07
  • 翻译文:  这是非常过分。当我想起名字时,我想象一个流行的,流行的,但少女的少女。我不是说所有的布列塔尼都是这样,或者我不喜欢这个名字 - 只是这是我得到的形象。
    原文:  It's very overused. When I think of the name, I imagine an outgoing, popular, but bratty teenage girl. I'm not saying all Brittanys are like that, or that I don't like the name- just that that's the image I get.
    评论人:YourAchillesHeel   评论时间: 2009/11/29
  • 翻译文:  我的母亲想要给布列塔尼命名,但拼写了Britni(TERRIBLE!)我的爷爷说服她不要说布列塔尼是一个狗的名字,因为布列塔尼西班牙猎狗。她把我命名为Courtney。还不是更好,但布列塔尼,但我很感激我没有命名布列塔尼。在我看来,这是一个可以拥有的最丑陋的名字之一。
    原文:  My mother wanted to name me Brittany but spelled Britni (TERRIBLE!) My grandpa convinced her not to by saying that Brittany is a dogs name because of the Brittany Spaniel. She named me Courtney instead. Still not much better but Brittany, but I am so grateful I was not named Brittany. In my opinion, it is one of the ugliest names one can have.
    评论人:Aaronmiles   评论时间: 2009/09/18
  • 翻译文:  布兰妮是一个trashy harpy。我不想说IT。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e但是,Britanny我承认有一点喜欢,但永远不会使用,因为与一个“地名”,流行浮渣和空气头晕的立即关联monikers a la Tiffany。
    原文:  Britney is a trashy harpy. I'd rather not speak of IT.However, the name BritANNY I admit to having a little like for but would never use because of the immediate association with a "place name", pop scum and air-heady monikers a la Tiffany.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2009/09/12
  • 翻译文:  我喜欢这个名字,人们应该意识到,不是每个人都讨厌这个名字。首先,只是因为布兰妮斯皮尔斯经历了一些坏的时代并不意味着她是一个坏人。第二,它也不意味着这个名字被毁了。第三,我认识布列塔尼人是聪明的,所以打破了每个人的这种名字的刻板印象。
    原文:  I like this name, and people should realize that not everyone hates this name. First, just because Britney Spears went through some bad times doesn't mean that she's a bad person. Second, it also does not mean that this name is ruined. Third, I've known Brittanys who were pretty smart, so that shatters everyone's stereotype of this name.
    评论人:bananarama   评论时间: 2009/07/09
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼就像一个绣球花 - 蓝色,明亮大胆,它就像糖果甜蜜。
    原文:  Brittany is like a hydrangea -- blue, bright and bold, it is like candy sweet.
    评论人:Gods.daughter   评论时间: 2009/05/13
  • 翻译文:  这是我的名字,我通常喜欢它。我认为它有一个很好的声音,看起来很漂亮。人们总是拼错它,但除此之外,我很好。我知道一个布列塔尼的TON,所以朋友和家人通过昵称告诉我 - 布列特,布里蒂,比特,比特,小布里蒂(因为我是我的兄弟姐妹最短的),布里特 - 布拉特等等。我所拥有的最独特的绰号是Bratny和Briffinikins。
    原文:  This is my name, and I usually like it. I think it has a nice sound and looks pretty written. People ALWAYS misspell it, but other than that I'm fine with it. I know a TON of Brittanys, so friends and family call me by nicknames--Britt, Britty, Bit, Bitty, Little Britty (because I'm the shortest of my siblings), Britty-Brat and so forth. The most unique nicknames I've ever had are Bratny and Briffinikins.
    评论人:britto08   评论时间: 2009/03/17
  • 翻译文:  这是我自己的名字,我曾经不喜欢它,由于与布兰妮斯皮尔斯的负面内涵。同学和老师不断拼错我的名字为'布兰妮',它曾经臭虫我死。现在我只是让它滑,因为布兰妮斯皮尔斯是老帽子,反正。
    原文:  This is my own name, and I used to dislike it due to the negative connotation with Britney Spears. Classmates and teachers constantly misspell my name as 'Britney', and it used to bug me to death. Now I simply let it slide since Britney Spears is old hat now, anyways.
    评论人:Hoshi-ul-Verse   评论时间: 2008/12/30
  • 翻译文:  由于某种原因,当我看到布列塔尼写出来,“brat”这个词就在心里。 (甚至在布兰妮斯皮尔斯弄脏了名字之前。)布拉蒂尼。这只是一个字母的距离。 *对不起,所有的英国在那里*
    原文:  For some reason, when I see Brittany written out, the word "brat" comes in mind. (Even before Britney Spears tainted the name.) Brattany. It's just one letter away from being that. *Sorry to all the Brits out there*
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2008/11/18
  • 翻译文:  我对这个名字有不同的感觉。我最好的朋友有这个名字!然而,我也碰巧知道一个女孩谁符合'snobby'的名声的声誉。这是一个很漂亮的名字,如果你问我,非常女性化,不是在所有'在那里。我想要更多,如果我不知道这个名字的可怕的人。
    原文:  I have mixed feelings about this name. My best friend has this name! HOWEVER- I also happen to know a girl who fits the 'snobby' reputation of the name. It's quite a pretty name, if you ask me, very feminine, not at all 'out there'. I'd like it more if I didn't know horrible people with this name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2008/10/12
  • 翻译文:  “布列塔尼”的流行似乎已经开始,当音乐家,歌手和作曲家阿兰·斯蒂佛尔,从布列塔尼,成为七十年代初成名。
    原文:  The popularity of "Brittany" seems to have begun when the musician, singer and composer Alan Stivell, from Brittany, became famous in the early seventies.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2008/09/19
  • 翻译文:  在演讲中,你说一个法国地区:meany人可能感兴趣的事实,它是六个凯尔特人之一。你还给它的法国名字,“布列塔尼”,这将是好的给布列塔尼的名字在布列塔尼的语言,不是吗?也就是说“Breizh”。
    原文:  In the presentation, you speak of a French region: meany people can be interested by the fact that it is above all one of the six Celtic nations. You give also the French name for it, "Bretagne", it would be good to give Brittany's name in Brittany's language, isn't it? That is to say "Breizh".
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2008/09/11
  • 翻译文:  所有要引用的第一个承运人是布列塔尼的国家和凯尔特人的国家。
    原文:  The first bearer among all to be quoted is Brittany the country and Celtic nation.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2008/09/11
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼Keiffer是女王蜂的7个女孩之一。
    原文:  Brittany Keiffer is one of the 7 girls on Queen Bees.
    评论人:Dianna475   评论时间: 2008/09/01
  • 翻译文:  这个名字似乎不像人们所说的那么受欢迎。我只知道一个布列塔尼。
    原文:  This name doesn't seem to be as popular as it is said to be. I only know one Brittany.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2008/08/17
  • 翻译文:  我一直认为这个名字是美丽的,即使它有一点bimbo的声誉。这是Daria的迷人而又漂亮的金发啦啦队长的名字,这个名字与布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)有关,而不是棚里最尖锐的工具,布列塔尼·墨菲(Brittany Murphy)似乎在某个阶段已经获得了垃圾声誉。这个名字有一个倾向,想出一个头晕的啦啦队长或一个金发的bimbo或一些其他刻板印象的所谓女性的愚蠢,这太糟糕了,因为必须有许多不同的布列塔尼的形象。这个名字在美国是如此常见,不是所有的布列塔尼人都可以愚蠢或不愉快。也许事实上,这个名字非常美国有关的坏名声。因为这个名字不仅提醒人们表面,ditzy金发,但美国ditzy金发女郎顶部它一切,我可以看到为什么人们可能不喜欢的名字无处不在。我的意思是,这个名字在英国会很奇怪。另一个问题是,这个名字听起来像狡猾和年轻的名字蒂芙尼,这也被认为是一个bimbo的名字。我认为布列塔尼听起来更成熟和复杂,但它确实听起来很年轻,即使不是孩子般的。布兰妮·斯皮尔斯,当然是目前国际女性替罪羊,人们投射他们的仇恨。每十年需要一个。这是另一个相当性别歧视的理由,为什么这个名字是不喜欢。
    原文:  I have always thought the name is beautiful, even though it has a bit of a bimbo reputation. This was the name of the dimwitted but nice blonde cheerleader on Daria, and the name is associated with Britney Spears, not the sharpest tool in the shed, and Brittany Murphy, who seems to have gotten a trashy reputation at some stage. The name has a tendency to conjure up an image of a ditzy cheerleader or a blonde bimbo or some other stereotype of the alleged female stupidity, which is too bad, as there must be many different Brittanys out there. The name is simply so common in America that not all Brittanys can be stupid or unpleasant. Maybe the fact that this name is very much American has something to do with the bad reputation. Since this name not only reminds people of superficial, ditzy blondes, but AMERICAN ditzy blondes to top it all off, I can sort of see why people might dislike the name everywhere. I mean, this name would be pretty weird in Britain. Another problem is that the name sounds like the cutesy and youthful name Tiffany, which is also considered a bimbo name. I do think Brittany sounds more mature and sophisticated, but it does admittedly sound quite young, even if not child-like. Britney Spears, of course, is the current international female scapegoat for people to project their hate on. Every decade needs one. That's another rather sexist reason why the name is disliked.
    评论人:slight night shiver   评论时间: 2008/05/17
  • 翻译文:  好吧,我的名字就像其他人都有这个名字,但事情是我有一个拼写,你找不到! Mine是Brittiny。不是任何或ney甚至ny。这是奇怪的可以,但我喜欢它!
    原文:  Ok my name is like everyone else that has this name but the thing is I have a spelling you can't find! Mine is Brittiny. Not any or ney or even ny. It's strange as can be but I like it!
    评论人:bri369   评论时间: 2008/04/10
  • 翻译文:  你会改变发音添加“BRIT-a-nee”吗?这是怎么在英国总是发音。我认为在美国口音中,更容易把声音拼凑在一起,得到“BRIT-nee”,甚至在英语口音,如果你说得快。但是仔细地说,它的发音是写的。这就像说斯蒂芬妮发音为“STEF-nee”。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e这个名字在英国是相当罕见的 - 大多数人会想到的法国地区的通道,家里有这么多的雨季露营假期!或布列塔尼轮渡!它确实从来没有像美国那样受欢迎。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我真的很喜欢 - 有一些含糊的凯尔特语和古老的,但也是当代的,这在所有的拼写变体中完全失去了。幸运的是,我不认为布兰妮斯皮尔斯。因为我发音不同!
    原文:  Will you change the pronunciation to add "BRIT-a-nee"? This is how it would always be pronounced in the UK. I think in an American accent it is easier to slur the sounds together and get "BRIT-nee", and even in an English accent if you're speaking quickly. But said carefully, it's pronounced as it's written. It's like saying that Stephanie is pronounced "STEF-nee".This name is fairly rare in the UK - most people would think of the region of France just across the Channel, home to so many rainy camping holidays! Or Brittany Ferries! It's certainly never been half as popular as in the US.I really like it - there is something vaguely Celtic and ancient about it, but also contemporary, which is completely lost in all the spelling variants. Luckily I don't think of Britney Spears at all. Because I pronounce them differently!
    评论人:aquamarina   评论时间: 2008/02/27
  • 翻译文:  我想人们不在乎这个名字的极端受欢迎程度。在我的年龄组,每个其他女孩的名字是布列塔尼。 Ashley也是这样。
    原文:  I guess people don't care about the EXTREME popularity of this name. In my age group alone, every other girl's name is Brittany. Same goes for Ashley.
    评论人:jasmineenimsaj   评论时间: 2008/02/15
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼提醒我闪闪发光和颜色粉红色。不知道为什么。
    原文:  Brittany reminds me of sparkles and the color pink. Don't exactly know why though.
    评论人:Delicious_Panda   评论时间: 2008/01/30
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼米勒是Chipettes的“领导者”,偶尔,阿尔文的开始和结束的女朋友。
    原文:  Brittany Miller is the "leader" of the Chipettes and, occasionally, Alvin's on-and-off girlfriend.
    评论人:funinthesun19   评论时间: 2007/12/20
  • 翻译文:  我认为这个名字可以是任何人,我喜欢它与英国有关。
    原文:  I think this name could be for anyone, and I love how it has to do with Britain.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/12/06
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼有83个变体形式:Bibi,Bret,Bretny,Brett,Bretta,Brette,Bretteny,Brettiney,Brettney,Brettnie,Bridney,Bridney,Brit,Britani,Britany,Britanny,Britiney,Britney,Britiney,Britney,Britni,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布列塔尼,布里顿,布里坦尼,布里坦尼, Brittieni,Brittanni,Brittiany,Brittie,Brittina,Brittina,Brittine,Brittiney,Brittini,Brittiny,Brittnye,Brittney,Brittneyn,Brittnaye,Brittnea,Brittnea,Brittnee,Brittnea, Brittyne,Brityn,Brityne,Brytnea,Brytni,Bryton,Bryttani,Bryttany,Bryttine,Bryttnee和Bryttney。
    原文:  Brittany has 83 variant forms: Bibi, Bret, Bretny, Brett, Bretta, Brette, Bretteny, Brettiney, Brettney, Brettnie, Bridnee, Bridney, Brit, Britani, Britany, Britanny, Briteny, Britianee, Britiney, Britiney, Britney, Britni, Britny, Britnye, Briton, Britt, Britta, Brittainny, Brittainy, Brittamy, Brittan, Brittana, Brittane, Brittanee, Brittaney, Brittani, Brittania, Brittaniee, Brittann, Brittanyne, Britte, Brittell, Britten, Brittenee, Britteney, Brittenie, Britteny, Brittiani, Brittianni, Brittiany, Brittie, Brittin, Brittina, Brittine, Brittiney, Brittini, Brittiny, Brittknee, Brittlin, Brittlynn, Brittnaye, Brittne, Brittnea, Brittnee, Brittneigh, Brittney, Brittni, Brittny, Britton, Brittoni, Brittony, Britty, Brittyne, Brityn, Brityne, Brytnea, Brytni, Bryton, Bryttani, Bryttany, Bryttine, Bryttnee and Bryttney.
    评论人:Britni   评论时间: 2007/10/23
  • 翻译文:  我的名字是Britni,我喜欢我拼写的方式。这是一个非常漂亮的名字,它有各种各样的方法拼写和发音。我发表我的名字Brit-nee NOT Brit-ta-nee。
    原文:  MY name is Britni and I love the way I spell it. It is a very beautiful name and it has a variety of ways to spell and pronounce it. I pronounce my name Brit-nee NOT Brit-ta-nee.
    评论人:Britni   评论时间: 2007/10/23
  • 翻译文:  正如其他人所说,布列塔尼是法国布列塔尼地区的英语名称,它发音为Bri-ta-nee。这是绝对不发音英国黄褐色或英国的。你在做什么有点像我说,我要发出“扶手椅”作为“AH-ma-Kahrah”或什么,因为我认为它很漂亮。如果你不能正确地发音,不要给你的孩子!
    原文:  As others have said, Brittany is the English name for the Breton region of France, and it is pronounced Bri-ta-nee. It is absolutely not pronounced Brit-tawny or Brit-tah-nee. What you're doing is a bit like me saying I'm going to pronounce 'armchair' as 'AH-ma-Kahrah' or something because I think it's pretty. If you can't pronounce a name properly, don't give it to your child!
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/10/22
  • 翻译文:  其实,还有另一个发音。布列塔尼有3个音节。 BRI-TAH-NEE \u003cbr\u003e不像路易斯安那州的天赋小丑。布兰妮(BRIT-NEE)
    原文:  Actually, there is another pronunciation. Brittany has 3 syllables. BRI-TAH-NEEUnlike the no talent clown from Louisiana. Britney (BRIT-NEE)
    评论人:queenbrittany   评论时间: 2007/09/25
  • 翻译文:  有才华的女演员布列塔尼雪,谁在最近的电影“约翰塔克必须死”和“发胶”。
    原文:  Talented actress Brittany Snow, who has been in recent films "John Tucker must Die" and "Hairspray".
    评论人:Ashley_h   评论时间: 2007/09/14
  • 翻译文:  我认为它真的很甜。
    原文:  I think that it is really sweet.
    评论人:ArcticSnowgirl   评论时间: 2007/09/08
  • 翻译文:  是的,它一直丑陋,那个版本是丑陋的,但不是那个snobby。我遇到的所有布列塔尼人都是吵闹,都是。对不起,它只是发生。但即使都是天使和地球,这个名字仍然是相当丑陋。在我看来,这是很时尚。在1998年,这是第35我想,然后明年69或什么,然后就退出了!这是相当快。我完全理解。现在它正在下沉和下沉。这个名字是可怕的!
    原文:  Yes, it's ugly all the way and that version is uglier, but not that snobby. All the Brittanys I've met are snobby, all of them. Sorry, it just happens. But even if all were angels and down to earth, the name would still be quite ugly. In my opinion, it's very trendy. In 1998, it was number 35 I think, then next year 69 or something, then it dropped out! That was quite fast. And I totally understand. Now it's sinking lower and lower. This name is terrible!
    评论人:Emeline   评论时间: 2007/07/03
  • 翻译文:  如果布列塔尼为你丑陋,选择实际的布列塔尼版本:Breizh。
    原文:  If Brittany is ugly for you, choose the actual Brittany's version: Breizh.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2007/06/14
  • 翻译文:  这只是真的丑陋,在我看来。
    原文:  It's just really ugly, in my opinion.
    评论人:Surreal   评论时间: 2007/06/09
  • 翻译文:  我真正的名字是Brittley,我总是叫布列塔尼,所以我已经增长到讨厌的名字。
    原文:  My real name is Brittley and I always get called Brittany, so I've grown to hate the name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/06/04
  • 翻译文:  对不起,我误解了;我想我们在说发音;对于拼写,是“布列塔尼”是正确的(可能是“Breizh”布列塔尼布列塔尼)。
    原文:  I am sorry, I misunderstood; I thought we were speaking of pronunciation; for the spelling, yes "Brittany" is correct (could be "Breizh" the Breton for Brittany).
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2007/05/31
  • 翻译文:  有人说,“毕竟它是一个法国地区”。我不同意。如果我们说语言学,我们不能照顾管理边界,我们必须照顾语言领域;如果布列塔尼的国家对发音有一些影响,它应该是布列塔尼(凯尔特语)影响(盖尔语和威尔士语的混合),而不是法国的影响。
    原文:  Somebody says that "after all it is a French region". I don't agree; if we speak of linguistics we cannot take care of the adminstrative borders, we have to look after the linguistic areas; if the country of Brittany had some influence on the pronunciation, it should be a Breton (Celtic) influence (a mix of Gaelic and Welsh?), not a French influence.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2007/05/31
  • 翻译文:  这个名字很漂亮,但有很多替代拼写,但布列塔尼是最正确的。毕竟,它来自法国地区。我喜欢这个任何其他拼写。
    原文:  This name is pretty, but there are SO many alternative spellings, but Brittany is the most correct. After all, it comes from the French region. I prefer this to any other spellings.
    评论人:CharlieRob   评论时间: 2007/05/07
  • 翻译文:  有太多的布列塔尼在那里。没有恶意。只有我的成绩有4。我甚至没有计算学校的其余部分。
    原文:  There are way too many Brittanys out there. No offence. There are 4 in just my grade. And I haven't even counted the rest of the school.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/04/27
  • 翻译文:  我要命名我的最后一个女孩布列塔尼,但有人打我,它现在我很高兴她。我最后命名她的秋天是更漂亮。每当我想到名字布列塔尼,我想到布朗妮·斯皮尔斯。啊!
    原文:  I was going to name my last girl Brittany but someone beat me to it and now I'm glad she did. I ended up naming her Autumn which is far more prettier. And whenever I think of the name Brittany, I do think of Brittney Spears. UGH!
    评论人:Honeyrose   评论时间: 2007/04/15
  • 翻译文:  我认为布列塔尼是一个漂亮的名字,我唯一的问题是它是太过度了。
    原文:  I think Brittany is a pretty name, and the only problem I have with it is it's too overused.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/03/24
  • 翻译文:  顺便说一句,它是BRITNEY Spears,而不是布列塔尼Spears,所以你应该攻击那个页面,而不是这一个。
    原文:  By the way, it's BRITNEY Spears, not Brittany Spears, so you should attack that page instead of this one.
    评论人:7up   评论时间: 2007/03/02
  • 翻译文:  我认为布列塔尼的名字是非常漂亮,我不认为任何人应该用他们的名字或任何snobby名人来评判人,恰巧有同一个。我们都是我们自己的人,无论我们的名字是什么,无论他们的意思。所以停止说什么意思是关于人的名字布列塔尼,或任何其他名字。这真的很冒犯。
    原文:  I think the name Brittany is very pretty and I don't think anyone should judge people by their name or any snobby celebrity that happens to have the same one. We're all our own person, no matter what our names are and no matter what they mean. So stop saying mean things about people with the name Brittany, or with any other name. It's really offending.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/02/15
  • 翻译文:  我只是通过这些意见,没有真正的理由,有些人只是太可笑。你不应该是刻板的,更不用说名字了。只是因为有人被命名为布列塔尼并不意味着他们是金发女郎,ditsy,snobby或任何其他。我的名字是布列塔尼,我的父母选择它,因为他们听到一个收音机(不是一个布兰妮斯皮尔斯歌曲),喜欢它的声音。我出生前布列塔尼成为流行的名字。我只知道另一个人用我的名字。这是一个美丽的名字和一个可爱的地方。你不应该因为他们的名字而批评某人;它基本上与种族主义相同,只是在较小的规模。不要把这作为一个个人攻击,这只是我的意见。你不必喜欢我的名字,你也不必喜欢我和我所说的话,但你不应该用我的名字来判断我。
    原文:  I was just reading through these comments for no real reason, and some people are just too ridiculous. You should not be stereotyping at all, let alone by a name. Just because someone is named Brittany doesn't mean they are blonde, ditsy, snobby, or anything else. My name is Brittany, and my parents chose it because they heard it on a radio (no not a Britney Spears song) and liked the way it sounded. I was born before Brittany became a popular name. I only know one other person with my name. It is a beautiful name and a lovely place. You should not criticize someone because of their name; it's basically the same thing as being racist, just on a smaller scale. Don't take this as a personal attack, it's just my opinion. You don't have to like my name nor do you have to like me and what I have to say, but you should not judge me by my name.
    评论人:bobo16   评论时间: 2007/02/09
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼是一个不错的名字,这是意味着歧视,因为有些人是卑鄙或snobby恰好有这个名字。我喜欢它,即使它有点过分。任何人都有这个名字,这是非常漂亮,享受它!
    原文:  Brittany is a nice name and it is mean to discriminate against it because some people who are mean or snobby happen to have this name. I rather like it, even though it is somewhat overused. Anyone with this name, it is very pretty and enjoy it!
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2007/02/02
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼会是一个非常漂亮的名字,如果不是布兰妮斯皮尔斯。并不是所有的布列塔尼的是金发和snobbish。
    原文:  Brittany would be a very pretty name if it weren't for Britney Spears. And not all Brittany's are blonde and snobbish.
    评论人:7up   评论时间: 2007/01/26
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼是一个美丽的名字,不仅在听觉上,而且在视觉上。高大的雄伟的B,紧跟着小写字母“r-i”和“a-n”完美地排列起来,被对称的双重t分开,很好地结束了浸泡'y'。我很高兴成为这个可爱名字的许多承载者之一。
    原文:  Brittany is a beautiful name, not only aurally but also visually. The tall and majestic B, followed by the lowercase 'r-i' and 'a-n' perfectly lined up, separated by the symmetric double t's, and nicely concluded by the dipping 'y.' I am glad to be one of the many bearers of this lovely name.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/12/09
  • 翻译文:  这也是一只狗的品种,所以你知道。
    原文:  This is also a breed of dog, so you know.
    评论人:stuckonstupid   评论时间: 2006/11/11
  • 翻译文:  我真的很喜欢布列塔尼的名字。我不得不承认我偏偏,因为它其实是我的名字。是的,我是90年代初名为布列塔尼的许多小女孩之一。我不认为布列塔尼是一个snotty,困惑的女孩。我见过许多其他布列塔尼人,他们大多是真正的好和地球。我不认为这是一个公正的名称。我相信有许多snotty,被宠坏的布列塔尼在那里,以及许多甜蜜和关怀的。这是所有名字的情况。此外,整个布兰妮斯皮尔斯的情况从来没有影响我是怎么想到我的名字。我用来得到很多“哦,像布兰妮斯皮尔斯”当我告诉某人我的名字,但那个阶段已经幸运地吹了。我认为我的名字是美丽的,我很高兴,我的父母决定命名我。
    原文:  I really like the name Brittany. I have to admit I am partial to it because it is in fact my name. Yes, I was one of the many little girls named Brittany in the early 90s. I don't think of a Brittany as being a snotty, stuck up girl. I have met many other Brittanys and most of them were really nice and down to earth. I don't think it's fair to generalize a name like that. I'm sure there are many snotty, spoiled Brittanys out there as well as many sweet and caring ones. That is the case for all names. Also, the whole Britney Spears situation never affected how I thought of my name. I use to get a lot of "Oh like Britney Spears" when I told someone my name but that phase has blown over thankfully. I think my name is beautiful and I am happy that my parents decided to name me it.
    评论人:shiloh06   评论时间: 2006/11/03
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼是漂亮。很遗憾,它已被过度使用。
    原文:  Brittany is pretty. It's sad it has been overused.
    评论人:aricie   评论时间: 2006/10/27
  • 翻译文:  我一直发音Bree-TAW-nee,无论是否是正确的或“官方”的发音。我喜欢这个名字很多。我认为这比Britni好多了。我喜欢一个人,对于一个女孩,没关系。很多人不同意我对一个家伙更好的,但。
    原文:  I've always pronounced it Bree-TAW-nee, whether or not that is the correct or "official" pronunciation. I like this name a lot. I think it is much better than Britni. I love it for a guy, for a girl it's okay. A lot of people disagree with me about it being better for a guy, though.
    评论人:x_Fashion_x   评论时间: 2006/09/10
  • 翻译文:  对不起,我只是不喜欢这个名字,它只是太blah。
    原文:  I'm sorry, I just don't like the name, it's just too blah.
    评论人:Miamaya   评论时间: 2006/07/20
  • 翻译文:  我认为布列塔尼是一个美丽的名字,一个国家,然后一个美丽的一个女孩;但一个叫布列塔尼的女孩应该知道布列塔尼是什么;这就是所谓的教育。
    原文:  I think that Brittany is first a beautiful name for a country, then a beautiful one for a girl; but a girl called Brittany should know what Brittany is about; that is called Education.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2006/06/20
  • 翻译文:  我认为这是一个漂亮的名字,比布兰妮好多了。我仍然不会命名我的孩子这,虽然,因为很多人认为任何人名为布列塔尼是一个snob,我不想让她得到戏弄。我不认为所有的布列塔尼人都是snobs。任何人认为任何名字应该满足在世界上所有的名字的人,所以他们可以说什么! :)
    原文:  I think this is a pretty name, much better than Britney. I still wouldn't name my kid this though because a lot of people think anybody named Brittany is a snob and I wouldn't want her to get teased. I don't think all Brittanys are snobs. Anyone who thinks that about any name should have to meet all the people of that name in the world and THEN they can say something! :)
    评论人:lauren_somebody   评论时间: 2006/06/11
  • 翻译文:  我认为布列塔尼的名字是一个美丽的名字为一个女孩。
    原文:  I think the name Brittany is a beautiful name for a girl.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/05/28
  • 翻译文:  这是我的名字,但它一直是发音Brit-ta-nee。我更喜欢'a'发音,我知道另外三个布列塔尼人也喜欢这个。
    原文:  This is my name, however it has always been pronounced Brit-ta-nee. I prefer to have the 'a' pronounced, and I know three other Brittany's who also prefer this.
    评论人:bunyipbritt   评论时间: 2006/05/28
  • 翻译文:  凯尔特人国家(如爱尔兰,威尔士,苏格兰,康沃尔郡,马恩岛)在英国海峡南部位于法国西部的布列塔尼。
    原文:  The Celtic Country (as Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, Isle of Man) called Brittany, on the south of the English Channel, at the west of France .
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2006/05/20
  • 翻译文:  正如我先前所说,名字的起源并不完全正确地解释,因为当英国人或布莱顿在阿尔莫里亚建立时,说法国是不合时宜的。在那个时候,弗兰克斯和不同的人和文化直到现在;法兰克斯正在创造一个小的“法国”。布列塔尼是一个独立的国家7个世纪,不同的人和文化直到现在。
    原文:  As I said earlier, the origin of the name is not explained totally right, as it is anachronic to speak of France when the Britons or Brythons established in Armorica. In that time, the Franks and a different people and culture until now; the Franks were creating a small "France". Brittany was to be an independant nation for 7 centuries and a different people and culture until now.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2006/05/10
  • 翻译文:  我感到梦幻般的许多美国妇女被称为这样一个梦幻般的国家的名字(布列塔尼/ Breizh);是很多布列塔尼好奇布列塔尼,国家?
    原文:  I feel fantastic many American women being called by the name of such a fantastic country (Brittany/ Breizh); are many Brittanys curious about Brittany, the country?
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2006/05/10
  • 翻译文:  布列塔尼是一个凯尔特人的国家的名字叫“Breizh”在布列塔尼,“Bretagne”的法语,“Bretaña”的西班牙语。当英国人在那里定居时,法国不存在;他们创造了一个新的独立国家,一直与其他凯尔特人直到现在(尽管法国征服了人口的一个重要部分)。更着名的布列塔尼的歌手和现代音乐家是阿兰斯蒂弗尔。
    原文:  Brittany is the English name for a Celtic country called "Breizh" in Breton, "Bretagne" in French, "Bretaña" in Spanish. When the Britons settled there, France did not exist; they created a new independant nation which has always been in close contact with the other Celtic nations until now (despite the conquest by France contested by an important part of the population). The more famous Brittany's singer and modern musician is Alan Stivell.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2006/05/06
  • 翻译文:  我最好的朋友之一是布列塔尼。她不以任何方式欺骗。但是有很多“饼干”女孩用这个名字。典型的势利,富有,回溯,以自我为中心,戏剧性的美丽女王认为世界围绕她和她的自我。但是有很多人都是这样,只是似乎很多人都有这个“漂亮的女孩”的名字。但没有任何人命名布列塔尼,这是一个可爱的名字,只是过度使用和卡住了一些真正的小公主。
    原文:  One of my best friends is named Brittany. She isn't snobby in any way. But there have been a lot of "cookie cutter" girls with this name. The typical snobby, rich, backbiting, self centered, dramatic beauty queen who thinks the world revolves around her and her ego. But there are a lot of people who are like that, it just seems a lot of them have this "pretty girl" name. But no offense to anyone named Brittany, it's a cute name, just overused and stuck with some real brats.
    评论人:Cayla   评论时间: 2006/12/27
  • 翻译文:  好吧,无论什么“snob”说所有布列塔尼人都是snobs - 你是跳过关于一个人的结论,因为他们的名字的snob。我自豪地是布列塔尼。我不叫布兰妮斯皮尔斯,我不是一个snob。但是我可以感到不高兴,当有人决定去“Ew!任何人有这个名字是愚蠢的'。所以下一次,请至少知道有人的名字,然后跳到结论。你可能只知道一两个布列塔尼人,因此认为每个人都像他们。
    原文:  Ok, to whatever 'snob' said all Brittanys were snobs - you're the snob for jumping to conclusions about a person because of their NAME. I, proudly, am Brittany. I'm not named after Britney Spears, and I'm not a snob. But I can be upset when somebody decides to go 'Ew! Anyone with that name is stupid'. So next time, please at least know someone with the name before jumping to conclusions. You likely only know one or two Brittanys, and therefore think everyone is like them.
    评论人:Krazedkaigrrl   评论时间: 2006/08/09
  • 翻译文:  对不起,但我必须告诉谁谁评论他们遇到的每一个布列塔尼一直困住和snobby。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我有名字布列塔尼,我最后一个是snobby。在我的课堂上有很多布列塔尼的,我不介意,虽然有时会恼人。这不是使人成为他们的名字,而是人。
    原文:  I'm sorry but I have got to say to whoever commented that every Brittany they've met has been stuck up and snobby.I have the name Brittany, and the last thing I am is snobby. There are a lot of Brittany's in my classes and I don't mind it, although it gets annoying sometimes. It's not the name that makes the person who they are, it's the person.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/08/01
  • 翻译文:  对于那个说她讨厌她的名字布列塔尼的女孩,我不明白为什么你会说它只是这样饼干切割器金发啦啦队长。只是因为布兰妮斯皮尔斯是一个痛苦在后面的世界并不意味着每个名为布列塔尼的女孩都是一个preppy女孩的相同的图片。我的名字是Britany,我喜欢它!我只遇到另一个名叫布列塔尼的女孩,她比我小5岁。布列塔尼名字有意义,它是法国凯尔特人的英国名字。对于正在考虑这个名字的父母,我认为它是美丽的。
    原文:  For the girl who says she hates her name Brittany, I don't get why you would say it's just so cookie cutter blonde cheerleader. Just because Britney Spears was a pain in the behind to the world doesn't mean that every girl that is named Brittany is all the same picture of a preppy girl. My name is Britany and I love it! I only ever met one other girl named Brittany and she's 5 years younger than me. The name Brittany does have a meaning, it is the English name for a Celtic country in France. To the parents who are considering this name I think it's beautiful.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/07/30
  • 翻译文:  我不同意匿名的人说,在28/4,“布列塔尼”是丑陋的;你应该去谈论可爱的国家的网站,所以;它应该给你一个这个名字的新形象。
    原文:  I do disagree too with the anonymous who said on 28/4 that "Brittany" is ugly; you should go to sites speaking of the lovely country called so; it should give you a new image of this name.
    评论人:kej   评论时间: 2006/05/19
  • 翻译文:  我有一个不幸的负担被困在这个名字。在我出生的那一年,它是美国女婴的第三最受欢迎的名字。在我开始上学后几乎所有的班级里,至少还有一个布列塔尼或其他的班级,极端的情况是我们中的五个在同一班的30个学生。我总是深深地感激我的名字,这只变得更强,当我发现它完全没有意义。此外,提到的名字倾向于唤起金发,丰富,yuppie snobs,或ditzy,混杂啦啦队的图像几乎任何人我的年龄组或附近,包括我自己。布兰妮斯皮尔斯的名声只会使这更糟。我强烈建议任何家长考虑给他们的女儿任何拼写这个名字立即放弃这个想法。有一个很好的机会,他们会重新生活你的选择,在生活中,经过痛苦的一切通过学校和之后。如果这还不够,你能否真诚地想象一个人的祖母,校长,老板,律师,或几乎任何有尊严的成熟女性三十多年后,拥抱这个时尚,诡异,无所不在,流行的明星同名?我甚至不想想象90年代初的布列塔尼,布兰妮,布里坦尼和布莱特尼斯五十年代的洪水。它很丑。如果你仍然设法发现自己​​喜欢名字布列塔尼,它会是一个更加明智和明智的去与任何类似的,过少的名字 - 布里安,布里安娜,布里恩,布里塔,布莱纳,布伦达,布伦达,布里埃尔,布里奇特,布里吉特...替代品真的是无止境的。只是,请。不要把另一个不好的饼干布列塔尼掉进这个世界。我们已经有几十万人已经足够了。
    原文:  I have the unfortunate burden of being stuck with this name. In the year I was born, it was the third most popular name for baby girls in the US. In nearly every class I've had since I started school, there has been at least one other Brittany or variation thereof, with the extreme case being five of us in the same class of 30-some students. I have always deeply resented my name, and this only became stronger when I found out it had absolutely no meaning at all. Furthermore, mention of the name tends to evoke images of blonde, rich, yuppie snobs, or ditzy, promiscuous cheerleaders to almost anyone of my age group or near it, myself included. The fame of Britney Spears only makes this worse. I strongly suggest any parent considering giving their daughter any spelling of this name to drop that idea immediately. There is a good chance they will resent your choice later in life, after suffering for it all through school and after. If that's not enough, can you honestly imagine someone's grandmother, principal, boss, lawyer, or virtually any dignified mature female thirty or more years from now, saddled with this trendy, cutesy, ubiquitous, pop-star namesake? I don't even want to imagine what the early-90s flood of Brittanys, Britneys, Britanies, and Brytnys are going to look like by age fifty. It's ugly. If you still manage to find yourself liking the name Brittany, it would be a lot more sensible and wise to go with any similar and less overused name - Brie, Brianna, Brionne, Britta, Brynne, Brenna, Brenda, Brielle, Bridget, Brigitte...the alternatives really are endless. Just, please. Don't drop another poor cookie-cutter Brittany into this world. The hundreds of thousands that we've already got are quite enough.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/04/28
  • 翻译文:  把布兰妮斯皮尔斯放在一边,布列塔尼是一个漂亮的名字,我更喜欢这个拼写。它也是一个好的中间名。
    原文:  Putting Britney Spears aside, Brittany is a pretty name and I prefer this spelling. It makes for a good middle name too.
    评论人:匿名用户   评论时间: 2006/04/25