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您所在位置 > 取英文名 > Rhys详情
  • 中文译名 瑞斯 性 别 男性 名字起源 古英语;德语
  • 发音(音标) [rhys]  phonetic
  • 中文译名 瑞斯 性 别 男性
  • 名字起源 古英语;德语 发音(音标) [rhys]  phonetic




含义 & 寓义


Rhys [rhys]作为男孩的名字发音为rees。它是威尔士的起源,Rhys的意义是“热情”。 Reece的当地威尔士形式。演员罗杰·莱斯。 意味着在威尔士的“热情”。几个威尔士统治者已经承担了这个名字。






该英文名与白羊座,狮子座,处女座,天秤座,射手座 比较契合


  • 好名字 75% 25% 坏名字
  • 男性 88% 12% 女性
  • 经典 70% 30% 现代
  • 可靠 52% 48% 青春
  • 正统 55% 45% 非正式
  • 高贵的 63% 37% 常见的
  • 时尚 38% 62% 自然
  • 健康的 61% 39% 不诚实的
  • 勇敢 75% 25% 美丽
  • 聪明 60% 40% 单纯
  • 独特 69% 31% 无聊的
  • 简单的 54% 46% 复杂的
  • 沉稳 61% 39% 乐观
  • 愚蠢的 58% 42% 不理智




知名运动员:2足球(足球)David Cotterill(a.k.a. Rhys)1987-(足球)Rhys Williams 1988-

Rhys在英格兰和威尔士 的人气



Rhys在英格兰和威尔士 的年份排名数据

Rhys (男性)






The first time I heard the name Rhys pronounced correctly was on Torchwood when Gwen talked to her husband. I really liked the name. When I got my male chocolate lab, I named him Rhys!



我来自一个威尔士人的家庭,一直为我们的威尔士遗产感到自豪,一个哥哥被命名为格里菲斯,我被命名为Rhys。这是一个试验通过学校,不得不提醒教师如何发音我的名字。不,它不是Riz或Riss或Rize!\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我也是女性。我的母亲说,她决定下一个孩子会命名为Rhys,男性或女性。有一个不寻常的名字,使我对其他不寻常的名字和他们的起源感兴趣。我认为Rhys是一个美丽的名字在打印或脚本。一个美丽的名字,当发音正确,像“H”声音之前的“R”,或只是作为“里斯”。\u003cbr\u003e威尔士人对我很迷人,特别是歌唱。我一直喜欢唱歌。

I am from a Welsh-American family that has always been very proud of our Welsh heritage, a brother is named Griffith and I am named Rhys. It was a trial going through school and having to remind teachers over and over how to pronounce my name. No, it is NOT Riz or Riss or Rize!I am also a female. My mother said that she decided the next child would be named Rhys, male or female. Having an unusual name has led me to be interested in other unusual names and their origins. I think Rhys is a beautiful name in print or script. A beautiful name when pronounced correctly, like an "H" sound precedes the "R", or simply as "Reese".The Welsh people are fascinating to me, especially the singing. I have always loved to sing.




This is my dad's name. He is of full Welsh descent but he grew up in Canada (as did I) and he told me that in elementary school his teachers and fellow students would butcher the pronunciation and/or spelling of his name, so he switched to Alex, from his middle name Alexander. He still uses Alex to this day, and although I like how Rhys both looks and sounds, I associate it with my mom getting angry because she only called him Rhys when she was angry. My parents are now divorced, so I think Alex is going to be Alex for a while...


North Welsh

发音这个名称的正确方法是“RHIS”。 “Rh”是威尔士语中的字母,其类似于无声的“r”。南瓦利安人不正确地发音的原因是因为他们的口音。为了在威尔士语中发音为“rees”,它必须拼写为“Rîs”。

The correct way to pronounce this name is "RHIS". "Rh" is a letter in the Welsh language which is similar to a voiceless "r". The reason South Walians pronounce it incorrectly is because of their accent. For it to be pronounced like "rees" in Welsh it would have to be spelt "Rîs".




Rhys is the name of one of the two playable characters in the Telltale game "Tales from the Borderlands".



我真的很喜欢Rhys的名字,虽然我从来没有听说过,然后再进入我正在阅读的作者。现在我已经看到它是如何发音,显然我听说过更常见的简化版本。 \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e但是老实说,当我看到Rhys的名字时,我认为它非常漂亮,因为名字的视觉,会毫不犹豫地使用它作为一个女孩的名字。我知道,我知道,许多人现在正在寻找他们的武器或传出惊喜。我个人真的很喜欢可以走的方式,如果有一个艺术给他们的名字。 Rhys是艺术。帕特不是。达科他是艺术。 Sam不是,虽然我会去Sammie。

I really like the name Rhys, though I'd never heard it before checking into an author I'm reading. Now that I've seen how it's pronounced, obviously I've heard the more common, simplified versions. But honestly when I see the name Rhys, I think it's very pretty and because of the visual of the name, would not hesitate to use it as a girl's name. I know, I know, many people are now looking for their weapons or passed out in shock. I personally really like the names that can go either way if there's an art to them. Rhys is artistic. Pat is not. Dakota is artistic. Sam is not, although I'd go for Sammie.


Oleg Karachi


The spelling is indeed masculine, but when I first hear the name I would assume a female because the "Reese" spelling is much more common.



嘿你的家伙的问题是什么?猜猜我的名字是什么? Rhys!你知道吗?我是一个GIRL!哦,我的上帝。这使我的父母奇怪吗?不,它不,因为他们喜欢它。我讨厌人们喜欢你们。决定什么人应该命名他们的孩子。我站在许多名叫Rhys的女孩,我知道。所以,请闭嘴,停止说你讨厌我的名字。

Hey what's your guys' problem? Guess what my name is? Rhys! And you know what? I am a GIRL! Oh my god. Does that make my parents weird? No it doesn't, because they like it. I hate people like you guys. Deciding what people should name their kids. And I stand for many girls named Rhys that I know. So please just shut up and stop saying that you hate my name.




I think Europeans need to stop worrying so much about what Americans name their children. I do not understand how American parents naming their daughters the name Reese affects Europeans. Most Americans will never even visit Europe. Most Europeans will never visit the US. In the US the name Reese is used predominantly on girls.



多么有趣。我搜索这个名字,Rhys,因为我看到很多英国演员。我在我的头像Rize发音了。但我喜欢的名字。我也喜欢一个女孩或男孩的名字Reece / Reese。我们美国人是这样进步的;-)我认为进化的拼写没有问题,因为今天使用的所有名字和单​​词都不同于他们原来的拼写或发音。这些评论是有趣和有趣的。

How funny. I googled this name, Rhys, because I see many British actors with it. I had pronounced it in my head like Rize.? But I like the name. I also like the name Reece/Reese for a girl or boy. Us Americans are very progressive in that way ;-) I don't think there is an issue with evolved spellings, as all names and words used today are different from their original spelling or pronunciation. These comments are interesting and funny.




We named our son Rhys. Here in the US, even with all the actors with this name, lots of people have difficulty pronouncing it. We get a lot of "Rice" or "Riss." Oh well, no regrets. We love the name. I don't think it'll scar him; I spent my life correcting people's spelling of my first name and pronunciation of my maiden name, and I turned out alright.



我的家人在1645年从威尔士来到美国。我们有几个威尔士名字仍然,所以我决定在2006年使用Rhys为我的儿子。人们似乎被它诅咒了。很少发音正确 - 大多数会说“米饭”。那些发音正确的人用一个疑问的语调做了......“呃... Reese?Reesh?Riss?在九岁时,Rhys实际上喜欢能够告诉人们 - “不,这是RHYS!这是威尔士!我们仍然喜欢这个名字,但我们不会发出它的威尔士的方式。“犀牛。它已经是几百年..所以我们真的不是那个威尔士!

My family came to the US from Wales in 1645. We have a few Welsh names still, so I decided to use Rhys for my son in 2006. People seem to be dumbfounded by it. Few pronounce it correctly - most will say "Rice." Those who do pronounce it correctly do it with a questioning tone..."uhhh.. Reese? Reesh? Riss?" At age nine, Rhys actually likes being able to tell people - "NOOO! It's RHYS! It's WELSH!" We still love the name, but we don't pronounce it the Welsh way.."Rh-ees." It has been a few hundred years.. so we really aren't that Welsh anymore!



我在这个讨论有点晚了,但我只知道这个名字为Reece / Reese(这在美国更常见),直到我听说它拼写了Rhys。我不能相信这些粗鲁的一些评论是什么不给你的孩子命名。美国非常开放地指出想法,使用男孩的名字为女孩往往是一个趋势,就像在其他国家的其他趋势。很少有国家为女孩使用男孩名字,有些国家不太常见,但我看到像查理,泰勒,杰西这样的名字在诸如Uk / Aus等国家中名列前100名。我也看到了比利在澳大利亚的一个女孩的名字,我听说有些父母为女孩选择一个中性的名字,所以当他们申请工作,他们将有平等的机会接受面试。这对于一些非常商业头脑的人来说非常重要。我真的很喜欢Rhys,我个人会使用它为一个男孩。但我认为,如果你选择一个女孩不来这些国家是可笑的,因为你会被乐趣。真的吗?你们真的让人因为他们的名字而乐趣?最后,我和一个名为Ressa(Reese-a)的女孩一起去学校,我一直认为这是一个伟大的版本的Reece / Rhys,但是更女性化的形式。

I'm a bit late in this discussion, but I've only known this name as Reece/Reese (which is more common in the US) until I just heard of it spelled Rhys. I can't believe how rude some of these comments are about what not to name your child. The US is very open to name ideas, and using a boys name for a girl tends to be a trend, just like there are other trends in other countries. Quite a few countries use boy names for girls, some countries it's less common but I've seen names like charlie, taylor, Jesse hit the top 100 baby names in countries like Uk/Aus. I've also seen the name Billy used for a girl in Australia, and I've heard that some parents choose a neutral gender name for a girl so when they applied for jobs they would be given an equal chance at getting an interview. This for some people who are very business-minded is very important. I really like Rhys, personally I would use it for a boy. But I think it's ridiculous for people to say that if you pick it for a girl don't come to these countries because you'll be made fun of. Seriously?! You guys actually make fun of people because of their name?! Lastly I went to school with a girl named Ressa (Reese-a), I always thought it was a great version of Reece/Rhys but in a more feminine form.



我绝对喜欢这个英俊的威尔士名字。它真可爱! Rhys是我最喜欢的威尔士名字之一。 :)

I absolutely adore this handsome Welsh name. It's so cute! Rhys is one of my favourite Welsh names. :)



我喜欢这个名字Rhys的拼写(感谢Luarell K Hamilton介绍我的拼写)\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我怀孕了,仍然拒绝知道它是一个女孩还是男孩我有一个名字两个准备去。男孩的名字恰好是雅各布欧文·莱斯!

I love this spelling of the name Rhys (thanks to Luarell K Hamilton for introducing me to this spelling of it)As I am pregnant and still refuse to know if it is a girl or boy I have a name for both ready to go. And the boys name just happens to be Jacob Owen Rhys!




When I was a child there was a boy called Rhys at my school. I only ever saw his name written down, and thought it was pronounced like the word wry. It was very confusing as a young child.



我喜欢Rhys的名字,特别是这个拼写(虽然我使用英语发音“rees”,因为它不直观的吸引了“r”在威尔士语发音“hrees”)。我不喜欢Reese或Reece主要是因为他们提醒我糖果(即使我喜欢Reese的花生酱杯...不是一个人的名字,对不起)。然而,即使有像Reese Witherspoon这样的着名女性持有者,我仍然看到这个名字 - 特别是这个拼写 - 只是男性化的。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我可以看到它用于任何性别的意义上的姓名为给定名,特别是如果它是一个家庭名字,但这不是一个趋势我反正热衷。

I love the name Rhys, particularly this spelling (though I use the English pronunciation "rees," since it's not intuitive for me to aspirate the 'r' in the Welsh pronunciation "hrees"). I don't like Reese or Reece mostly because they remind me of candy (even though I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... not as a person's given name, sorry). However, even with famous female bearers like Reese Witherspoon, I still see the name - particularly this spelling - as solely masculine.I could see it used on either gender in the sense of surname-as-given-name, particularly if it's a family name, but that's not a trend I'm keen on anyway.



我为我的名字Rhys感到自豪,我经常被问到如何拼写它,但是一旦他们听到姓氏很通常说“应该把它摆脱,这是威尔士拼写”\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e Rhys是一个家伙名字,对不起,但在某个地方下面它扭曲了,因为有人认为它听起来“不同”,这就像调用一个女孩迈克,但拼写不同。在威尔士,你永远不会叫女孩Rhys。这个概念与我们所说的男孩Amelie一样,但是拼写出Amalee,法语会笑他们的袜子!\u003cbr\u003e只是在威尔士说,名字的起源,它不会发生。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr \u003e我有一些人要求和米说话,我通常回答“你有见过任何一个叫米的人吗?”\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我不认为应该改变为“适应”有将不同的发音技巧应用于来自其他国家的词/名字。它适用于一切,你可以撕裂美国和英语的语言,说有很多无意义的发音拼写。颜色和颜色都是错误的,在这种意义上 - 肯定会是colure!

I'm very proud of my name Rhys, I often get asked how to spell it but once they hear the surname pretty usually say "that should have given it away, it's the Welsh spelling"Rhys is a guys name, sorry but somewhere down the line it got warped because someone thought it sounded 'different' it's like calling a girl Mike but spelling it differently. In Wales you would never call a girl Rhys. It's the same concept as us calling a boy Amelie but spelling it Amalee, the French would be laughing their socks off!Just saying in Wales, the origin of the name, it just doesn't happen.I have had some people asking to speak to Rice, to which I normally reply with "have you ever met anyone named Rice?"I don't think it should be changed to 'accommodate' people who have trouble applying different pronunciation techniques to word/ names from other countries. It applies to everything, you could rip apart the American and English language and say there are a lot of nonsensical pronunciations with spelling. Colour and color are both wrong in that sense - surely it would be colure!



我不能忍受这个拼写,即使它是原来的。我继续读它为“上升”\u003cbr\u003e Reice \\ Reece \\ reese。和所有一个男孩。从不为一个女孩。

I can't stand this spelling even if it's the original. I keep reading it as "Rise"Reice\Reece\reese please. And all for a boy. Never for a girl.



我的10岁的儿子被命名为Rhys Owen,在父亲的身边尊重他的威尔士血统。我的丈夫和我认为这是一个强大的,阳刚的名字。最近我问他是否喜欢他的名字,还是他会为自己选择一个不同的名字?他的回答“我喜欢我的名字,我不会改变它,但我必须纠正的人在所有的时间;他们叫我米。至于名字的性别 - 我的是Darryn,我是女性。我讨厌它作为一个孩子,但我现在不会改变它。

My 10-year-old son is named Rhys Owen, honoring his Welsh ancestry on his father's side. My husband and I thought it was a strong, masculine name. Recently I asked him if he liked his name or would he choose a different name for himself? His answer "I like my name, I wouldn't change it, but I have to correct people all the time; they call me Rice." As to gender of names - mine is Darryn and I am female. I hated it as a kid, but I wouldn't change it now.




I'm American and my 4 year old son is named Rhys. Surprisingly, nobody has ever pronounced it wrong. In fact it's my daughter who is always having her name mispronounced (Lila).



这个评论是回应所有以上谈论的名字的性别角色(和争论)。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e个人我认为在“错误”性别上使用“男性”或“女性”的名字是可笑的。如果你想命名你的女儿Rhys命名她的Rhys。看看阿什利的名字,例如,它开始作为一个严格的男性名字,被带到美国,变得极端虚弱,在这个时间点,虽然它被列为一个男女通用名称被认为是一个女孩的名字。这是许多例子之一,大多数名字,虽然有些人可能喜欢他们为一种性别或其他,可以工作。说只有男孩应该命名为Rhys就像说只有男孩应该喜欢蓝色。

This comment is in response to all those above conversing (and arguing) about the gender roles of names.Personally I think the use of "male" or "female" names on the "wrong" gender is ridiculous. If you want to name your daughter Rhys name her Rhys. Look at the name Ashley for instance, it started as a strictly male name, was brought to America and turned extremely effeminate and at this point in time, though it is listed as a unisex name is thought of as a girl's name. This is one of many examples of the fact that most names, while some people may prefer them for one gender or the other, can work for either. Saying only boys should be named Rhys is like saying only boys should like blue.




And your example is yet another surname turned first name. When people are calling their sons Mary and Jessica, maybe I'll give your argument more creedence.



人们总是为了证明在女孩上使用阳刚的名字(Kelly,Blake,Lesley等等),所有的名字都被称为名字。这种做法来自古老的日子,当一个儿子的母亲来自一个只有女儿的家庭,他的母亲的娘家姓为他的名字,以继续她的家庭名字。在西方文化中,姓氏是非性别特定的,所以称呼女孩凯西或泰勒不是一个问题。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e但是,Rhys和其他所谓的新中性名字,如Aidan和Dylan,男性自成立以来。没有办法。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e你叫你的儿子丽莎吗?当然你不会。那么为什么要命名你的女儿詹姆斯?它不是独特的或可爱的。你不是做一些伟大的女权主义的声明。你正在采取一个完美的男性名字和去雄。

The names people always reel off to justify using a masculine name on a girl (Kelly, Blake, Lesley etc.) are all surnames which have been appropriated as first names. This practice comes from the olden days when a son whose mother came from a family which had only daughters took his mother's maiden name as his first name in order to continue her familt name. In Western cultures surnames are non-gender specific, so calling a girl Casey or Tyler isn't an issue.However, Rhys, and other supposedly newly-unisex names such as Aidan and Dylan, have always been exclusively male since their inception. There is no way around that.Would you call your son Lisa? Of course you wouldn't. So why name your daughter James? It isn't unique or cute. You're not making some grand feminist statement. You're taking a perfectly fine masculine name and emasculating it.




I love this spelling for a strong male name.




I'm a girl and my name is Rhys, short for Theresa. I don't spell it Rhys, I spell it Rhysse. People rarely pronounce it wrong when they read it, but when they have to spell it, it is time after time misspelled. However I really like my name and I think that it can be a girls name or a boys name.




I like both this spelling and the Anglicization, Reese. But let's be honest, people; it is not a girl's name. It's about as feminine as Michael, David, Jacob, and the likes. My only other negative itch is that it's trendy right now, but I still like the name.



我丈夫和我有另一个男孩到期在2012年2月,这是我们可以同意的唯一的名字。 Rhys是如此强大的名字,有很多历史。我担心这将是明显错误,但我用来命名荣誉我的祖母是威尔士,我认为Rhys的拼写看起来好多了Reece。他可能不得不在这里和那里纠正人,但总体上我们爱它!

My husband and I have another boy due in Feb 2012 and this was the only name we could agree on. Rhys is such a strong name, with a lot of history. I was worried it would be pronounced wrong, but I'm using to name to honor my Grandmother who was Welsh and I think the Rhys spelling looks much better then Reece. He may have to correct people here and there, but overall we love it!


Reese R.

有趣的是,在这个特定线程上展开的不一定是“Rhys” - 而是关于命名。不可否认的是,命名及其约定使得我们自豪地提出我们的爱 - 这是部分为什么词源是重要的。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e但是,请注意:如果你阅读所有这些评论,大多数愤怒和厌恶都集中在美国(如美国)拼写,惯例和领养名称。告诉我:什么是美国人?什么是美国语言?什么是美国的命名约定? \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我想建议的答案是,所有这些事情仍在发展 - 国家是年轻的;流体;而且,还没有达到捍卫珍贵的拼写,名称和传统的程度。他们怎么可能?这个国家只存在了230多年;并说出这个国家在这230年中发生了多么巨大的变化。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e为了珍惜和尊重一个家庭或文化或语言,这是一件很重要的事情。它是另一个攻击他人没有家庭或文化或语言称呼自己的。这是荒谬的。美国人不能“毁了”一个名字 - 它会成为一个美国名字,你可以保持你的威尔士名字。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我的家人被迫害迫使他们的家园离开,来到美国他们的姓氏成为'里斯',可能,“Rhys” - 然而这是发生的。 100年来,我的家人的姓是“Reese” - 现在是我的前辈,以纪念这一点。告诉我为什么会激发这样的仇恨和邪恶,当我的名字实际上奠定了美国历史,语言,文化和命名传统的基础?

It is interesting to note that what is unfolding on this particular thread is not necessarily just about 'Rhys' - but about naming, in general. There is no denying that naming and its conventions does everything from make us proud to raise our ire - that is partly why etymology is important.But, please note: if you read all these comments, most of the anger and disgust are centered on American (as in U.S.) spellings, conventions, and adoptions of names. Tell me: what is an American? What is the American language? What is American naming convention? The answer I'd like to suggest is that all these things are still evolving - the country is young; fluid; and, moreover, not yet to the point of defending cherished spellings, names, and traditions. How could they be? The country has existed for only 230-odd years; and to say that leaves out how drastically the country has changed within those 230 years.It is one thing to name in order to cherish and honor a family or culture or language; it is another to attack others for having no family or culture or language to call their own yet. It is simply ridiculous. Americans cannot 'ruin' a name - it will become an American name, and you can keep your Welsh name.My family left their homelands under duress and came to the U.S. Their surname became 'Reese' from, probably, 'Rhys' - however it is that happened. For 100 years my family's surname has been 'Reese' - and now that is my prenom in honor of that. Tell me why that inspires such hatred and vitriol, when my name is actually laying the foundations of an American history, language, culture, and naming tradition?




This spelling is disgusting, it looks like the names Rhett and Ryan had a lovechild and honestly I'd go for the much less ugly Reece or Reese, this name is just too trendy.




My little brother's name is Rhys, and oh my gosh, is he enthusiastic! This is a lovely name for a boy. We call him Rhysy as a pet name.


Reese R.

我的名字是Reese;它是我母亲的娘家姓,并给我作为我的名字。对于拼写改变的一个知情猜测是,在我们家庭的入口港口在1907年的书面决定/错误。所以:我的名字尊重我的母亲的家庭和他们的移民进入美国。我很自豪地承受它。我会留给你所有的人猜猜我是男性还是女性,因为我看不到它是重要的。至于这个评论部分的所有的vitriol,我很失望,因为这是我抬头参观网站的名字;对我来说,我的名字有一个美好的历史,我相信许多其他人命名为Rhys / Reece / Reese同意。为什么要这么处理?

My name is Reese; it is my mother's maiden name and was given to me as my first name. An informed guess on the spelling change is that it was clerical decision/mistake at our family's port of entry into the United States in 1907. So: my name honors my mother's family and their immigrant entry into the United States. I am proud to bear it. I'll leave it to you all to guess whether I am male or female, as I can't see that it matters at all. As for all the vitriol spewed onto this comment section, I am disappointed, as this was the first name I looked up on visiting the site; to me, my name has a wonderful history and I am sure many other people named Rhys/Reece/Reese agree. Why get so worked up?




I love this name, love this spelling, definitely prefer it on a boy.But unlike some of the commenters, I won't get hurt about people wanting to give it to a girl.At least us Americans who give girls names like Ashley and Courtney can take comfort in knowing we're not the ones who have a stick up our butts over something as petty as a name. Get over yourselves.



拼写它Rhys应该保留给一个男孩,因为它是一个男孩的名字,它是从哪里来的。如果你想打电话给女孩一个男孩的名字,至少使用杂乱的拼写的Reese或Reece。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我知道有人说这个,虽然拼写Reis,因为他是一半德语,虽然在德国Reis意味着米。 ^^我仍然认为母亲是一个白痴的拼写,命名你的孩子后一种食物是unclose。对真正的德国人,它必须看起来相当傻。

Spelling it Rhys should be reserved for a boy since it is a boy's name where it is originally from. If you want to call a girl a boy's name, at lease use the bastardized spelling of Reese or Reece.I know someone name this, though spelt Reis because he's half German, although in Germany Reis means rice. ^^ I still consider the mother an idiot for the spelling, naming your child after a food to be unyquee. To real Germans it must look rather silly.



伟大的名字,一个男孩或一个女孩。人们对一个名字的所有权真的是一个辩论 - 无论你喜欢还是不会人们会称他们的孩子他们想要什么。你可以坚持否则,直到你红脸在脸上,没有什么会改变。

Great name, for a boy or a girl. People taking ownership over a name really is a moot debate--whether you like it or not people will call their children what they want. You can insist otherwise until you're red in the face, nothing will change that.



我用正确的拼写命名我的儿子Rhys。我同意上面的anon评论。我知道名字可以横越一旦他们跨越边界和语言,但面对它,它是威尔士:重点是“RH”的声音。我生病的人问我的父母,如果它是一个男孩或女孩的名字,所有因为一个美国女演员决定女性化。啊! \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e一个朋友不喜欢名字奥利维亚,所以她决定命名她的孩子阿利维亚。 *叹息*。我丈夫的名字是希伯来语我的是法国人,人们不断地拼写他的名字Jarrod因为美国人。上次我检查它不是世界上唯一的国家,当然不是决定一个在英语语言。正如我的约克郡祖父说的“美国人想要区别自己从英国人(即使他们是英国人),所以他们搞乱了语言分离自己。得到一个行话,离开英语!

I named my son Rhys with the proper spelling. I agree with anon comments above. I know names can traverse once they cross borders and languages but face it, it is Welsh: with the emphasis on the "RH" sound. I get sick of people asking my parents if it is a boy or girls name and all because one American Actress decided to feminize it. UGH! One friend didn't like the name Olivia so she decided to name her child Alivia. *sighs*. My husbands name is Hebrew mine is French and people constantly spell his name Jarrod because the Americans do. Last time I checked it wasn't the only country in the world and certainly not the deciding one in the ENGLISH language. As my Yorkshire grandfather said "Americans wanted to distinguish themselves from the Brits (even though they were Brits) so they messed with the language to separate themselves. Get a jargon and leave English alone!



呃,我们可以停下吗?我的意思是,确保我们可以保留丰富的历史和文化或任何威尔士通过保持拼写完整,我相信这是非常好的,但语言*改变*,人。我们拉这“保持文化!东西在“威廉?”下一次你看到一个名叫“Willahelm”的孩子,因为他们的父母不想混淆旧的日耳曼语拼写,回来,我们会说话。 \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e对那些抱怨性别倾向的人,请。现在告诉我,Leslie是男性还是女性?当然,我更喜欢男性的名字保持男性(和这么不公平,女性的名字不能去男性),但事情发生。 \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e最后,至少对于此名称。我更喜欢“混蛋”的拼写。我不管别人,但当我第一次看到这个名字,我发音为RYESS。像在,我吃的食物,“米饭”。如果是拼写Reese / Reece我可以发音它的权利。 \u003e。\u003e

Ugh, can we stop? I mean, sure we can preserve the rich history and culture or whatever of Wales by keeping the spelling intact, I'm sure it's very nice, but languages *change*, man. Do we pull this "keep the culture!" thing on "William?" Next time you all see a kid named "Willahelm" because their parents didn't want to bastardize the old Germanic spelling, come back and we'll talk. And to those who complain about the gender-bending, please. Tell me now, is Leslie masculine or feminine? Sure I'd prefer for masculine names to stay masculine (and it's so not fair that feminine names can't go masculine), but things happen. Lastly, at least for this name. I'd prefer the "bastardized" spelling. I dunno 'bout anybody else, but when I first saw this name, I pronounced it RYESS. As in, the food I eat, "rice." Leastways if it were spelled Reese/Reece I'd be able to pronounce it right. >.>




I prefer the Reese spelling. When I see Rhys, I pronounce it RISS, not REES. And on this site Reese is listed as a Welsh name, not English or something!



我来自美国,是一个相对年轻的母亲,我不得不说,我不能相信美国人在这里“杂种”的名字。是的,这正是他们在做什么。名字拼写的方式,因为他们的历史和原产地。当父母改变拼写以努力使他们的孩子“独特”或“可爱”或以某种方式脱颖而出,它所做的一切都是便宜和减损该名称的独特和特殊的遗产。 “Rhys”的名字来源于威尔士语,因此应该尊重和尊重,并因此而受到尊重。美国文化为了证明孩子的独特性而付出的努力是令人伤心的,即使这意味着改变一个历史悠久的名字,其拼写和意义具有深厚的根源和丰富的历史。

I am from the U.S., and am a relatively young mother, and I have to say I cannot stand that the people here in the U.S. "bastardize" names. And yes, that is exactly what they are doing. Names are spelled a certain way because of their history and place of origin. When parents change the spelling around in an effort to make their child "unique" or "cute" or stand out in some way, all it does is cheapen and detract from that name's unique and special heritage. The name "Rhys" is of welsh origin, and therefore should be respected and honored and SPELLED as such. It is a sad thing the lengths the U.S. culture will go to in order to prove their child's uniqueness, even if it means altering a time-honored name whose spelling and meaning have deep roots and rich history.



最美的形式。 Reese / Reece缺乏风格。这就像比较肖恩和低租金肖恩。

The most pleasing form. Reese/Reece are lacking in style. It's like comparing Sean with the low rent Shawn.




I love this name for both a boy and a girl and I like this spelling better than Reese. I think it's a strong name and I'd love to see this spelling for a girl.




When I first saw this name, I pronounced it RIES and couldn't understand why people liked it. When I found out that it was just the cooler spelling of Reese, I thought it was awesome.




Well, I have been blessed with this name, and as such I find it a wonderful name. I do believe that Rhys is much more masculine and as such should be kept that way in its usage. It is a wonderful Welsh name indicative of my Welsh heritage.




Rhys is a playable character on Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (gamecube game) and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (wii game).



Rhys是Reece和Reese的一个很好的替代品,因为Rhys不会像后者一样被误解,因为后者通常与另一个混淆 - 也就是说Reece通常会与S拼写错误,反之亦然 - Rhys总是只是Rhys - 完全不同于其他两个变化。

Rhys is a good alternative to Reece and Reese, as Rhys is not as mistaken for the two latter as much as the two latter are often confused with one another - that is Reece may be often misspelled with an S and vice versa - Rhys is always just Rhys - quite differentiable from its other two variations.



Rhys是我最喜欢的名字之一。这是一个可爱的名字,一个男孩,但我可以很容易地画一个男人,以及。我喜欢这种拼写到Reece和Reese。 Rhys绝对是一个男孩的名字。我永远不要命名一个女孩这。

Rhys is one of my favorite names. It is a cute name for a boy, but I can easily picture it on a man as well. I prefer this spelling to the Reece and Reese. Rhys is definitely a boy's name. I would NEVER name a girl this.



Rhys Williams是“Torchwood”上的一个角色。

Rhys Williams is a character on "Torchwood".




I don't like this name at all. But, I don't know what all the humbug about girls using it because the popularity charts show it's only used for boys.




I think this is a really cool name. It reminds me of Rhye (the world many early Queen songs are set in). I like to pronounce it "rhiss", with more of a hard S (if you know what I mean by that).



当那些会愉快地使用Rhys的女孩,也看到适合命名一个儿子朱莉娅,然后我会很满意。在那之前,我不太可能是女孩子名字上的男孩趋势的性别歧视。 Rhys是100%的血。

When those that would happily use Rhys on a girl, also see fit to name a son Julia, then I'd be satisfied. Until then, I'm not likely the sexist undertones that come with the girls names on boys trend. Rhys is 100% bloke.



Rhys是一个了不起的名字,我的最爱之一!但是男人!你们中的一些人对于Rhys是否应该用于女孩还是男孩是绝对可笑的。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e我认为任何一个名字都可以给予性别。名字已经跨越“性别线”自由来回走多年。如果有人想要命名他们的宝贝女孩布雷克,乔丹等或他们的宝贝男孩阿什利,林恩,李等让他们。对你的生活真正有什么重大的影响?\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e如果有人喜欢一个名字及其意义和起源,那么他们应该能够将他们认为合适的人给予这个名字。

Rhys is a fantastic name, and one of my favorites! But man! Some of you are being absolutely ridiculous about whether Rhys should be used for a girl or a boy.I think any name can be given to either gender. Names have been crossing the "gender line" back and forth freely for many many years. If someone wants to name their baby girl Blake, Jordan, etc. or their baby boy Ashley, Lynn, Lee, etc. let them. What significant impact does that really have on your life?If someone loves a name and its meaning and origin that much, then they should be able to bestow that name upon whoever they see fit.




I think the only reason people in the US pronounce it wrong is because the name isn't very known here. I've never heard someone with this name, so I wouldn't know how it was pronounced. As for the masculine-ness of it, well, there are plenty of girls with guy names.



我喜欢这个拼写。我认为,如果美国人不能自己发表,那就是他们的问题,不应该阻止某人使用这样的MASCULINE和荣誉的名字。 :)

I LOVE this spelling. I think that if people in the US can't pronounce it on their own, then that's their problem and shouldn't stop someone from using such a MASCULINE and honored name as this. :)



我是威尔士人的后裔,并想添加一些东西。这个名字不仅仅是发音的“rees”。这是“RHees”。并且拼写它'Reece','Reese'等是一个伟大的伤害的名字,使它看起来可笑。如果您要使用名称,请正确使用。 :)

I'm of Welsh descent and would like to add something. The name isn't just 'rees' in pronunciation. It's 'RHees'. And to spell it 'Reece', 'Reese' etc is a GREAT disservice to the name and makes it look ridiculous. If you're going to use a name, use it properly. :)


Rhys Hoggett


My name is RHYS and I absolutely hate it! I use my nickname instead, Blade!




I think Rhys is a great name for a boy. If I ever have a son I would consider it as a middle name. My only fear is that being in the U.S. people won't know how to pronounce it correctly. Until I looked it up I didn't know it was pronouced (REES). About other spellings (Reese or Reece) I think that it's more feminine. Even though in European countries it is considered masculine, I think that it can be considered both, based on spelling.



我个人最喜欢的拼写Reese / Reece等,很大程度上是因为它是原来的。我也认为这是一个更好的选择一个男孩,因为它没有被女孩接管(Reese我怀疑会这样,因为Witherspoon女士)。

My personal favorite spelling of Reese/Reece etc., largely because it's the original. I also think it's a better choice for a boy because it hasn't been taken over by the girls yet (Reese I suspect will go that way because of Ms Witherspoon).




This is definitely one of my favorite names, but I would only use it on a boy and with this spelling.




I really like this name, but only with the original Rhys spelling and only on boys.




There is no doubt that strange names exist everywhere. But it is truly up to the parents because they are the ones who will be yelling the child's name more than anyone else when the kid is in trouble. So whether it's used for a boy or girl or dog it don't matter. What matters is if you like the name or not. It doesn't matter where you live because strange names exist everywhere including the UK. The US has been noted for their creativity when it comes to names, not strangeness. So no need to diss other places just because of something you don't agree with. But like I said: it's up to the parents and what they want to name their child, boy or girl doesn't matter. Because if a girl is named with a boy name she'll make it feminine because she is feminine and if a boy is named with a girl name he'll make it masculine because he is masculine. And that's all there is to that.



嗯,所以什么时候确定它只是“疯狂的美国人”使用Rhys / Reese / Reece的女儿?无论如何,在欧洲和英国的部分地区也有女性Reeses(或变种)的可能性很大。至于我的意见,我确实相信男孩的名字应该严格遵守男孩;包括Rhys。这个名字是非常阳刚,不适合一个女孩。我觉得它是一个男孩的完美!

Hmmm, so when was it established that it was just the "crazy Americans" using Rhys/Reese/Reece on their daughters? By all means, the odds are likely that there are female Reeses (or variants) in parts of Europe and the U.K. as well. As for my opinion, I do believe that boys names should stay strictly on boys; Rhys included. This name is very masculine, and unfitting for a girl. I find it perfect for a boy!



事实上,Reese Witherspoon的真正的名字是Laura Jean。和大多数名人一样,她改变了她的名字。 Reese是她的第二个中间名。我喜欢这个名字为一个男孩。不是一个女孩。

Actually, Reese Witherspoon's real first name is Laura Jean. As with most celebrities, she changed her name. Reese is her 2nd middle name. I love this name for a boy. Not so much for a girl.



命名约定在美国比在英国更宽松。我们有一个悠久的历史,接管男人的名字为我们的女儿,到目前为止没有造成任何我知道的重大灾难。一个叫Rhys的女孩会在英国被笑。一个名叫Dorcas的女孩,可能会在美国学校嘲笑,即使“Dorcas”是一个传统的女性名字。如果名字Rhys呼吁父母,因为它显然是;并且如果没有女性化的版本的名字,有没有;如果这个名字在孩子被养育的文化中是美学上可以接受的 - 我想Witherspoon女士可以告诉你这是 - 那么没有真正的理由不使用这个名字。为什么在其他国家的人们关心美国人命名他们的孩子?同样的语言,不同的文化。

Naming conventions are much looser in the US than they are in the UK. We have a long history of taking over men's names for our daughters, and so far it hasn't caused any major catastrophes that I know of. A girl named Rhys would be laughed at in the UK. A girl named, say, Dorcas, would probably be hideously mocked in American schools, even though "Dorcas" is a traditional female name. If the name Rhys appeals to the parents, as it obviously does; and if there's no feminine version of the name, which there isn't; and if the name is aesthetically acceptable within the culture where the child will be raised -- and I imagine that Ms. Witherspoon can tell you that it is -- then there is no real reason not to use the name. Why do people in other countries care what Americans name their children? Same language, different cultures.



一个名叫Rhys的女孩,如果她访问英国,就会笑笑。我想澳大利亚和新西兰也是一样。你最好使用约翰或保罗。\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e这是一个英俊的男性名字,但也是阿什利,维维安,考特尼和李。

A girl named Rhys would be laughed at to no end if she visited the UK. I guess the same would go for Australia and NZ too. You would do better to use John or Paul.It is a handsome male name but then again so is Ashley, Vivian, Courtney and Lee.




Yeah, seriously, you guys. You might as well name your daughter Ashley, or Courtney, or Vivian, or Lee. Oh my god, or even Robin. I can't believe you crazy Americans would give your daughters a traditionally male name like that. What are you thinking?



考虑威尔士文化。 Rhys应该拼写正确。

Take the Welsh culture into account. Rhys should be spelled correctly.




Whoa, what is up with people, just because someone wants to choose a different spelling that you don't like you trash them and the name? As the user above said "or the bastardized Reece" I am just glad we all like different names and spellings or this world would be a very boring place to live. We need to learn accept other peoples views and differences.




I do agree that Rhys would best fit a boy, but saying Americans are the only ones who would name a girl Rhys is ridiculous. Besides that though, I believe Rhys is a lovely name!




Name a girl Rhys (or the bastardized Reece) and you may as well call her Boris. Is is just the deluded Americans using this on girls?



哇,那是有点苛刻。无论如何,这是我的名字,虽然它是拼写Reece。我是男性。这也是我母亲的娘家姓。人们有倾向于拼写它'里斯',如果你命名你的孩子,他或她将毫无疑问,将绰号Reec [s] e的片断。我知道。 :]

Whoa, that was a little harsh. Anyways, this is my name though it is spelled Reece. I'm a male. It is also my mother's maiden name. People to have a tendency to spell it 'Reese' though, and if you name your child this he or she will, without a doubt, be nicknamed Reec[s]e's Pieces. I would know. :]



不它不是。它可能在你居住的火花土地,但访问澳大利亚,新西兰或英国(甚至欧洲其他地区),并准备好看看有趣。 Rhys在这些地方和雨果,理查德或者彼得一样是女性化的。研究名称。你会说一个女儿阿尔弗雷德吗?我假设不是。没有什么区别。

NO IT IS NOT. It may be in sparkleigh land where you reside but visit Australia, New Zealand or the UK (perhaps even the rest of Europe) and be prepared to get looked at funny. Rhys is about as feminine as Hugo, Richard or Peter in these places. Research the name. Would you name a daughter Alfred? I'd assume not. There is little difference.




This is also a girl's name.



我也看到这个用于女孩。我朋友的妹妹的名字是Sophie Rhys,我真的很喜欢。

I've also seen this used on girls. My friend's little sister's name is Sophie Rhys, which I really like.




"Historically macho"? LOL



RHYS是正确的拼写。发音应该是没有脑子。 Reece和Reese是呕吐和不可接受的。这个名字在历史上是强壮的,它没有女性的地方。

RHYS is the correct spelling. The pronunciation should be a no brainer. Reece and Reese are vomitous and unacceptable. This name is so historically macho it has no place on females.


Lyle Lee


Sophie Rhys Jones is the wife of Prince Edward of Britain.




I definitely prefer this name for a boy. I like the spelling Reece myself personally, I found boys with the spelling Rhys, people had troubles pronouncing it.



乔纳森·莱斯·迈尔斯是一个演员,曾在电影,如壮观的Ambersons,Bend It像贝克汉姆和名利场(与Reece Witherspoon)。他出生于爱尔兰都柏林,1977年7月27日。

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is an actor who has been in movies such as The Magnificent Ambersons, Bend It Like Beckham, and Vanity Fair (with Reece Witherspoon). He was born in Dublin, Ireland, 27 July, 1977.



Rhys Ifans是威尔士演员。他出现在电影诺丁山。

Rhys Ifans is a Welsh actor. He appeared in the film Notting Hill.


Arowen Half-Elven

Rhys是Gail Carson Levine的书“Bamarre的两个公主”中的一个好指法的名字。着名的持有人:约翰·里斯 - 戴维斯(Gimli,指环王;印第安纳琼斯;凯西姆,阿拉丁和盗贼的国王;马尼,海绵宝宝)。

Rhys was the name of a good sorceror in Gail Carson Levine's book "The Two Princesses of Bamarre". Famous bearer: John Rhys-Davies (Gimli, Lord of the Rings; Indiana Jones; Caseem, Aladdin and the King of Thieves; Manray, Spongebob Squarepants).


irish mommy

我很喜欢这个名字,所以我命名我的儿子Gavin Rhys。我特别喜欢它的男性拼写。我们喜欢爱尔兰/苏格兰名字的不寻常拼写。

I loved this name so much that I named my son Gavin Rhys. I especially liked the male spelling of it. We enjoy unusual spellings of Irish/Scottish names.




I named my son this and I found it in a book somewhere. In the book it said that this name was also Celtic meaning hero.




This spelling seems much more attractive to me than Reese. But perhaps that's because I relate it to candy.





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