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  • 翻译文:  我有一个高中的老师这个名字。她为她的祖母 - “克莱尔”和“琳达”命名。她通常去克莱尔。
    原文:  I had a teacher in high school with this name. She had been named for both her grandmothers - "Clare" and "Linda". She usually went by Clare.
    评论人:elizabeth hamlet   评论时间: 2014/04/06
  • 翻译文:  FYI Clarinda是一个古老的名字,在某些地方在1800年流行在美国。这是一个很好的替代过去使用的名字,如梅林达,克拉丽莎等等。说,我认为这是一个不错的名字,当然值得一些承认。
    原文:  FYI Clarinda is an old name that was somewhat popular in the 1800's in the United States. It's a nice alternative to the over used names like Melinda, Clarissa, etc. That said, I think it's a nice name that certainly deserves some recognition.
    评论人:GibsonGirl   评论时间: 2013/04/01
  • 翻译文:  她是爱尔兰苏格兰诗人罗伯特·伯恩斯,他在爱丁堡遇见和对应。一个经典的名字。
    原文:  She was a love of Scottish poet Robert Burns whom he met and corresponded with in Edinburgh. A classic name.
    评论人:saladfingers   评论时间: 2009/03/19
  • 翻译文:  我不明白这个名字的仇恨 - 它是美丽的。这里,这个有点“苛刻”的后缀 - inda实际上工作。像Clarissa这样的名字获得了很多的爱,虽然我认为(除了Elissa)以-issa结尾的大多数名字是prissy和讨厌。我觉得Clarinda好多了。
    原文:  I don't understand the hate for this name--it's beautiful. Here, that somewhat "harsh" suffix -inda actually works. A name like Clarissa gets a lot of love though, while I think that (other than Elissa) most names ending in -issa are prissy and obnoxious. I find Clarinda much better.
    评论人:erb816   评论时间: 2009/02/25
  • 翻译文:  克拉拉的一个不幸的混蛋。我不喜欢以ininda结尾的所有名字,不管是Melinda,Loucinda还是其他。他们丑陋不知何故。
    原文:  What an unfortunate bastardization of Clara. I dislike all names ending in -inda, be it Melinda, Loucinda, or whatever. They're ugly somehow.
    评论人:slight night shiver   评论时间: 2008/05/18
  • 翻译文:  “Heeeeloo,我的名字是Clareeenda,我比你更好!”\u003cbr\u003e我道歉,这只是我对Clarinda的印象。这听起来有点。by,你必须承认。
    原文:  "Heeeeloo, my name is Clareeenda. And I am fah better than you!"I apologize, this is just my impression of Clarinda. It sounds kind of snobby, you have to admit.
    评论人:joli_dans_titre1   评论时间: 2008/01/16